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Carl clutched Judith to him like she was a lifeline. Which, at this point, she was.

The only family I have left. Crossed his mind, and he blinked hard, washing the thought away.

Negan looked over at him somberly, and Carl noticed he was extremely pale.

"Just say it." Carl said firmly, locking eyes with him.

Negan just looked tired. Dazed. He narrowed his eyes at him. "I- what do you want me to say, Carl? It's...not great." He said quite lamely, fishing for words unsuccessfully. "They're hanging in there for now, we had it under control when I left. I need to get back after-"

"Negan. Just tell me." Carl said more softly and with less bite. He felt tears stinging at his eyes. He couldn't believe this was happening to him again. You're a fucking orphan, a voice told him inside. Judith grabbed at his face and tugged at his bandage a little bit. He didn't bother to swat her away like he did normally.

"What?" Negan asked, confused this time. His hand moved down to his side, where Carl noticed more blood. Whose blood it was, he wasn't sure. But he had a guess.

"My dads dead." It wasn't a question. Just a mere statement, because it was the only way that he was standing here, Judith in his arms.

Negan just blinked at him.

"Negan. Let's cut the shit and get you to Carson, c'mon." Lauras voice cut suddenly through the air harshly. Negan silenced her with a look.

"Fuck kid," Negan started finally. "What makes you think that? Ricks fine."

"Yeah, thanks to you." Laura chimed in again.

"I-" Carl wasn't about to believe him. "You're here with Judith? Of course he's..." but Carl couldn't finish his sentence, willing it to not be true even though everything inside of him was screaming that it was.

"Fuck. No. No he's fine. I'm sorry. I didn't even think." Negan closed the small distance between them and put a hand on Carls face as if in apology.

"Then why are you here with Judith?"

"Cause I...." Negan drifted off, not sure how to proceed.

"Cause he took a bullet for your dear old dad. You better be nice to him kid." Laura supplied with a grin. "C'mon Negan. Really. Let's go."

"You- you what?! Where?" Carl rushed out, his eyes traveling over Negan and realizing that yes, that was in fact Negans blood and it suddenly made sense why Negan was so pale and barely standing. "Fuck." Carl whispered out.

"I'm fine." Negan insisted. "It just grazed me in the ribs. Really, it's nothing. Literally absolutely nothing when I'm standing next to a kid with half of his face gone."

"It's not nothing Negan, let's get you to the doctor."

"Finally." Laura huffed out.

Carl reached out so that Negan had an arm around his shoulder for support, even if he didn't necessarily need it. He'd been shot twice, but never where he was conscious afterwards, so really, he wasn't sure what Negan was feeling. Pain obviously, but maybe a little bit of shock.

"I'm okay. Really. Just need to get it looked at by Carson to make sure it's not going to get infected or anything and then I'm headed back. Honestly, I'm mainly back to drop off this precious little angel." He smiled over at Judith in Carls arms. Judith caught sight of him smiling at her and went "Squa!"

"I think that means she likes me." Negan shrugged and grinned.

"I think it means she doesn't know how to talk yet." Carl laughed out. "So uh- you took a bullet for my dad? Care to elaborate?"

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