Doves and Consequences

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The next morning, as per the strict routine of the prince , Salim had to go to the battlefield ground for practices all morning. The king doesn't spare him even when he is sick. His father is very strict about discipline and his kingdom.

"Father please give me a little break , I need to rest ." He was huffing and was barely able to breathe .
" No , get up . A warrior never gets tired." He didn't even had a sight amount of pity towards him.
" Father, please."
" Prince Salim, up now ."
He barely stood up and continued on his little remaining life.
" My honour, it's the time for the first case for the day."
" Yes, Nasim I trust you with my son . Make him do everything planned for today."
" Yes your honour ."
As his father left the ground, Salim laid on the ground, huffing and struggling for breath.
"Nasim uncle, please."
" Yes Salim, your father has become more strict with you recently, is anything wrong?"
" I don't know, he doesn't like me doing anything else other than practising. "
" I think maybe it's because of your age. At this age you specially build your body so that in future you don't have any pains ."
" Maybe ."
" Go out a little, but come back before lunch, your father might come to check."
" Thank you so much Nasim uncle."

Salim as soon as he left the ground went on searching for his friends and specially for Madhuri.
" Hey Mohini, have you seen Madhuri?"
" No but I think she might be near the coasts of river Madhubani."
" Okay , thank you, I will come back with her and then we all can play something."
" Sure."

He ran towards the river bank of Madhubani. Madhubani river was named after the king Azam Shah's grandmother Madhubani. They say that she was the one who initiated in forming this beautiful kingdom, and in her honours the people named this river as River Madhubani.
There he saw Madhuri filling water in earthen pots .

" Madhu, look I am back."
" Salim , did you bunk your practice?"
" Madhu come on , let me enjoy some time off that . My father is making me insane."
" I didn't mean to upset you."
" It's okay . Let me help you."
" Don't , I will do it by myself, you must be tired from your practice."
" No ,it's okay this much weight I can lift easily and all our friends are waiting for us . "
" Are you sure?"
" Yes give me one ."
They both lifted one pots each and started walking towards her house.
" Lets play with doves today." Madhuri suggested him.
" No no not doves. I hate them ."
" Why they are so cute."
" No they are bad birds."
" Why?" She was laughing.
" Last time that stupid dove pecked me , my hand was so red I didn't forget that. I am not going near one again."
" Salim come on, I will be with you, nothing will happen, trust me ."
" But-"
" For me ?" Madhuri pleaded him.
" Fine. But you will stay besides me all the time , and If they peck me again today-"
" We will never play with them again."
" You promise?"
" Yes."

They kept the pots inside Madhuri's house and raced towards the palace.
As always Salim won again.
" It's hard running in long ghagras."
"Whatever you lost , now go catch some doves."
" Fine."

Madhuri threw some grains on the terrace floors. They all hid behind the walls and patiently waited for doves to arrive. As soon as 5 - 6 of them arrived, Madhuri slowly like a tiger's feet started walking towards them and in the first try she catchs two doves in each hand .
" Look! I caught them ."
" Hey! Once again Madhuri did it. She is great isn't it ?" Mohini said.
" Yes." Salim replied smiling .
" Here Salim hold them these are for you , I will catch for myself now , hold them tight and then we will release them together, okay?"
" Yes but come fast."
" Yes."
As Madhuri stepped ahead to catch another one of them , she heard a loud scream from behind.
When she turned around it was Salim standing there looking above as he accidentally released the doves.
" Salim, I said hold tight."
" Sorry , I got scared."
" You are a warrior." One of our friends said.
" I know but they scare me ."
Everyone started laughing at him .
" Hey , enough now let's play something else." Madhuri said with a bold voice .
Just then , one of Salim 's battlefield friends came towards Salim.
" Prince, prince your father is coming towards the field, hurry."
" Oh no , I am leaving , see you all tomorrow." Salim was little panicked.
Salim rushed to the ground. But unfortunately he was little late, his father already arrived and not seeing him practising made him insanely mad. When Salim reached there , his father was already shouting at Nasim.
" Nasim, I trusted you with my son and this is how you pay me back?"
" I am sorry my lord. Please forgive me ." Nasim requested.
" Never. You are going to pay for this."
Nasim touched the feet of the king and started begging him.
" Please your honour, forgive me, from now on no further mistakes, I promise."
" It's too late Nasim."
" Father! Please don't. It's not his fault, it's mine. Please don't punish him . I should be punished."
" Son, you are going to be punished but Nasim has broke my trust."
" Father, please, it was my idea , I asked him, it's my fault. Please forgive him."
"Please your honour, forgive me." Nasim requested.
" Fine , but this is the last time something like this is happening here , you understand?"
" Yes king."
" Get out now ."
Nasim left the ground. And now it was only Salim and his father face to face.
"Father I am so sorry." He held his head down and didn't even dare to look up.
" You have gone against my orders Salim. Now you have to face the consequences."
Salim nodded in agreement.
"From now, till midnight , you are going to do everything you did this morning again and again without any rest , you understand me?"
" Father?!"
" You understand me?"
" Yes."
" Begin."

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