king and queen

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" It's not fair to us king Azam." King Jashan said.
" I will still maintain good relations with you despite your daughter's disrespectful behaviour." Salim said.
King Jashan had an idea how powerful King Salim was, afterall he won against king Of Hansi.
" Fine agreed. "
" Father no!" Roop yelled.
" Please let us continue the ceremony, you may leave." Salim asked them to go .

King Jashan left with his daughter. Finally once again everything was alright.

As Salim wore his crown his mother appreciated him. Next was Madhuri's turn. She went towards him with her eyes  filled with happy tears .
" Oh my dear king! I bow towards you , please do bless me !" She was so proud of him , you can tell that looking in her eyes .
She bend down to touch his feet when he stops her in the middle .
" Don't, you are the queen, your place is in my heart , not my feet."
She gave a wonderful smile towards him. Everyone was looking at the beautiful couple in front of them very fondly.
The coronation ceremony ended with a great blast.

Madhuri and Salim went up to their room. It was too late at night.
" Salim?"
" Salim! Where are you going now?"
" Salim?"
" Salim stop, tell me where ?"
He finally spoke up.
" To see my father."
" Now? It's late "
" Doesn't matter it's important."
" What is it?"
He didn't answer.
" Salim? What is it?"
" Tell you later"
" Salim! Now"
" It's nothing"
" Salim?"
" It about this morning."
" But why?"
" Why? This is your question. Why?"
" Salim don't "
" Why? I want to see what's his actual problem. How can he speak about you that way?"
" Salim let it go please "
" I can't , you stopped me in the morning now I won't."
" But it's not the right time Salim for this."
" Then when? Don't you feel bad ?"
" Salim"
" Tell me when he said those things didn't you felt bad?"
" Salim please stay , don't go now. Please?"
" Madhu "
" Please?"
" Okay"
He angrily sat on his bed.

" I loved you today , you presented yourself so well today."
Salim ignored whatever she said. She walked a little near to him.
" The crown looks so good on you, I almost fell for you again."
He still pretended not to hear her. She came closer to him .
" And those royal clothing of the king , so well suited on you. I mean you look good in anything."
" You handle every situation calmly I should say. When that woman came near you I couldn't hold it anymore. I hope I did the right thing today, did I?"
" Salim?"
" Hmm"
" What hmm?"
" Salim come on , now you won't talk to me?" She gave a devil smile.
" My dear husband? Salim? Are you there?" She came a lot closer to him .
She sat down near the bed where he was sitting and looked up at him
" Salim?"
" Look at me Salim. Don't be angry with me . You can't go at any random time , you know that very well. If you go now in this mood it will do nothing be worse the situation. You know your father right? Maybe just let some days go . He will get used to it . Let time do it's thing. Okay ?"
" Okay?"
" Okay ". Salim sighed.
" Good , that's my man!"
" What did you just say?! My man huh?" Salim gave a smirk.
" Hmm" She stood up and started to make the bed.
" Say again please."
" No"
" Please "
" No "
" You were saying something earlier about me in that crown and the royal attire. What was that , can you please repeat?"
" Why should I? You were the one pretending not to hear me. You clearly ingnored me . Then why should I? "
" Oh I am sorry, now tell me "
" Only sorry? "
" What else do you want from me?"
" Nothing "
" Just ask "
" Nothing "
He made her turn towards him and grabbed her waist.
" Now tell me , what were you saying earlier?"
" I said you look beyond handsome today . It was like the crown was made for you ."
" Thank you " saying that he kissed her.
" And our child said something too."
" What ?"
" Our child said that it is so proud of his father and it also wants to become like you ."
Salim bent down towards her stomach.
" You will be so much better than me ."
" Salim?"
" Yes?"
" Nothing"
" What happened?"
" I am feeling so grateful, for you, for us, for all these moments, I am so happy."
" Me too , madhu ."

He rested both hands on her shoulders pulling her closer to him.
" What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
He looked at her with desire.
" Get out of those clothes, I am going to do some very bad things to you." He ordered.
He said it all with a charming smile.
" Salim!" She blushed and tried to control her smile.
" I am the king now you should listen to my orders "
He slowly, slowly took her towards their bed . They stared into each other's eyes deeply.
" Now or else I would"
She couldn't control her face turning all red .
" You are getting more and more mischievous day by day Salim."
" You bet!"
" But I like this side of yours."
" Don't you say!" Saying he came on to her on their bed . She was lying on the bed and was above her.
" You tell me what you want to do?" Salim asked Madhuri.
" You know"
" Maybe I don't!"
" Salim"
" Madhu it's my revenge!"
" Revenge for what?!"
" For stopping me earlier"
" Oh is it?"
" Yes"
" It's a very good punishment then"
" Of course, I am a very good king "

Saying that he started kissing her with all his passion.He couldn't stop kissing her even for a second.
" Your lips taste like heaven, madhu"
" Promise me then "
" What?"
" You will keep your lips here forever. This heaven is only reserved for you ."
" I promise "

Madhuri Where stories live. Discover now