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10 years Later.

It's been 10 years. 10 years and no contact between Madhuri and Salim.
As years passed by she turned into a beautiful young woman. She was the official dancer in the palace of Azam Shah . She used to perform for the king and his guests. People were mesmerized by her looks and her talent.
Today there was a program schedule. All the dancers were practising for this day. Big guests are supposed to be arriving today for a huge feast. The king arranged everything himself, it was like a big day for him.

"Hey wear this , it looks good on you." Mohini said to her.
" Okay but you didn't tell me anything about today."
" What about today?" Mohini questioned .
" Why are these many guests invited today ? What's so special about today?"
" I don't know either. I have only been instructed that this night should go without any mistakes. "
" Oh ."

The kings of other kingdoms arrived at the gates. They were welcomed with huge gestures. Trumpets and sounds of drums everywhere. All the guests were seated in the royal court and the king ordered the dance program to begin.

With her, all the dancers entered in circles and the music began side by side. Their faces were hidden under their dupattas in the beginning.
As the music went on, they began dancing. She turned around and opened up her face throwing the dupatta all the way behind . She was stunned to the ground, to see a young handsome grown man sitting right next to the king. She stood there, froze in between her dance like a statue with eyes only on him. That man immediately stood up looking at her and his mouth was left open . She was still in shock , she didn't notice a tear roll down her cheek while looking at him , who was no other than Salim. The little boy who was now grown up into a very handsome young man, now was going to be the king.

"Sit down prince!" His father told him.
She was brought back to her senses by her other dancer friends to continue her dance. She looked at him while performing the whole show. Salim's eyes were teary. After the dance, as the kings were complimenting her, she went towards the king to touch his feet and take his blessings. She was asked to take blessings from the next king in line. Salim's training from Agra has been a success. He was now one of the great warriors. He is supposed to be crowned very soon. She went over to Salim and bent down towards his feet, he held her hands half way and nodded a no. They stared into each other's eyes as he held her hand.

She went back and bowed to all the kings and guests present and made her way out. Looking at her leaving, Salim stood up and asked permission from his father to leave.
"Please father, can I take your leave now ? I will be back soon. Just let me go for once."
" Prince behave! There are many honourable people present here, you can't leave like that . "
"Please please."
" No."
" I am sorry but I have to." Saying this he got up and left the room . He apologized to other people sitting there for his inconvenient behaviour.

He looked for her around the palace. He finally found her walking towards the gates from the garden . He called her out .
" Madhuri!" She didn't turn back .
" Madhuri!" She didn't even the second time.
" Madhu!" She stopped right there but didn't look back .
" Madhu?" She didn't respond to him
" Madhu please look at me ." She started walking again when he held her dupatta. She stopped but still didn't look at him.
" Wait ."
" Leave me alone." She said to him.
" Madhu ? Please listen to me."
" I don't want to, let me go !" She yelled at him.
" I won't until you listen to me." She turned behind and started yelling at him.
" How could you? How could you dare to come back now? Why so late ? Why now? Go back ! " She was on the verge of crying.
" Madhu"
" You left me , you didn't even say goodbye to me, don't I mean something to you ? Everyone knew about you going just not me. You didn't tell me- you just vanished, did you think about me ?"
" Madhu listen" He held her arms when she started hitting his chest with her hands in a fist.
" Why did you leave? I - did you think what would happen to me ? You didn't tell me about that." She started crying and hugged him.
" I missed you so much Salim."
" Madhu, I missed you like hell. I didn't have the guts back then to tell you that I am leaving you. I couldn't accept that how could you? I am very sorry to hurt you . Madhu I love you !"
They hugged each other so tight .
" Why didn't you come back ?"
" I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to come back. I wrote so many letters to you , you didn't reply to one. I didn't know anything about you ."
" You wrote me letters?"
" What ?! You didn't get any ?"
" I didn't receive any. I couldn't send either because I didn't know where you were ."
" Madhu I - I don't know what to say." He cupped her crying face . She wiped his tears with her thumb .

They both stood there holding hands and looking at each other after 10 long years.
" It's always been you , Madhu."
" Salim, you , actually I wasn't able to -"
" What ?" He was puzzled .
" I couldn't, I mean I wanted to but couldn't stop , I mean I am -"


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