blood and sword

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The sun was risen, Madhuri was getting ready for the coronation ceremony in the palace. Hamzal wasn't home yet , she was waiting for him so that she could go.

She was adjusting her dress in front of the mirror with a different kind of glow on her face thinking about last night. Hamzal just arrived at the door tired.
" You are back! Let me give you some water."
" I want to talk ."
She offers him water.
" If you are tired you may rest , I will go ahead to the palace to help. "
" Wait!"
" What happened?"
" Come here."
She noticed a coldness in his voice.
" What happened?" She kept asking.
She was getting a little scared when he wasn't responding.
" Any problem? Is something wrong?"
" Yes . I just have certain questions I want answers from you. I may mention the word honest."
She immediately stopped looking directly at him.
" What happened last night?" He asked a surprisingly low voice.
" Nothing, I was wondering why you stayed at the palace all night."
" I didn't stay on my own wish, I was told to stay by the former prince. "
" Oh!"
" I smell something fishy here."
" No it's nothing you please rest."
" Next question, what was the former prince doing here at night?"
She was speechless.
" No answer?"
" Hamzal?"
" Wait one more, why did the prince stay here all night?"
She started breathing heavily.
" What did you two did?"
" Please listen."

" Do you both really think I am a fool? That I don't understand these tactics you play with me ?" Hamzal stood up and started raising his voice. He walked towards her and she walked away in fear.
" No no"
" I knew something was wrong when he ordered me to stay. Do you really think you would get away with this? I am the army general, I have my men all over the place. I get all the news from everywhere. Don't underestimate me!"
" Please don't get this wrong " she pleaded him.
" I told you if I catch you again, I won't spare you ."
" Please, don't, please listen once, please " She started requesting him but he was in no state to listen as his face turned red with anger.
He grabbed her neck and starting choking her as he pinned her to the wall.
" Stop! Please! Please let me go, Hamzal stop!" She started screaming.
" How dare you go against me? , how dare you cheat on me?! I am not going to spare you now dear, you are dead!"
" Salim!" She yelled his name. Of course she would, whenever she was in trouble she only thought of him.

As soon as he heard his name from her mouth he pissed off bad. He let go of her. She went down on the ground coughing.
" Did you just take his name in front of me?"
" Listen please I am sorry, please stop this . " She was weeping.
" It's too late , now it's my turn, I am not letting this prince be the king. I am going to burn him down from the throne."
" No no no , please don't do any of this! Please don't tell anyone about this, please I beg you, I won't see him again, I would do as you say , I promise but please don't do this!" She touched his feet and started begging him.
" It's too late. " Saying this he stamped on her hand .
She screamed with pain .
" But before that, I need to finish something useless." He went over the swords and pointed it at her.
" No please no, please don't kill me."
He came near to her , she was still on the ground and he was standing tall. He placed the sword on her neck .
" It's over now." Hamzal said.

She knew that she can't convince him like that, she had to do something to get herself out of here .
When she got a chance she kicked his leg so hard that he lost his balance and then knocked off the sword from his hand. Looking at that Hamzal was in total shock.
" You woman , you are dead! Who even taught you this!"
She picked up the sword and pointed it at him .
" Stay away from me !"
" Radhika! Keep the sword down right now."
" No! You keep away from me ." She yelled at him.
" You are insane, keep it down!" He shouted.
" No I said "
" I am kind of aware who taught you this but you are never going to win against me . Try whatever you want." Saying this he pounced upon her .
He came near her and she got so scared that she screamed with all her life and pushed the sword ahead without even looking.

She heard a loud scream.
When she opened her eyes and saw that she accidentally stabbed Hamzal in his stomach. The sword had pierced into him a way to much.
Hamzal went down in pain.
" Oh no no no! " She went towards him.
" I am going to kill you !" He yelled in pain.
" No no I didn't mean to do this! I am- am so - so sorry, oh - no , no!" She was freaking out.
She tired to take out the sword from his stomach but she failed. The blood was flowing out and she panicked . She tried to stop the blood with her hands .

" I swear I didn't mean to , oh my god, how do I make this stop?!" She didn't know what to do at all. She was so panicked about the fact that she stabbed a person, the blood was flowing out . She thought that she killed him.

She rushed outside their house to ask for help.
" Please someone help me, please anyone here?" She kept screaming but there was not a single person there. Everyone was at the palace for the ceremony.
" What should I do ?! " She started crying with blood all over her hands and her dress.
" Hamzal please stay, don't close your eyes, I can't kill you no , no !" Hamzal was still alive trying to remove the sword from his stomach.

She started running towards the palace for help.
" Someone please help me ! Please "
When she was scared she could only think of his name to call .
" Salim! Sali------m"

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