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They sat on the bed together.
" Hey , do you want to talk about it ?"
" Talk about what?"
" Hamzal"
" What can I say, he never loved me, or respected me . I only used me as a thing to remove all his anger. If he didn't like the food I made, he used to throw the plate on me or sometimes if the tea is not good then he used to smash that hot cup of tea on me. One day I was late to come back home from the palace that's why he kept me outside of the house for the whole night. He was cruel but I couldn't do anything as he was my husband and this behaviour is very normal here ."
" Madhu"
" Why are you crying Salim? Hey don't cry" She cupped his face .
" If I would have known this earlier , I wouldn't have taken so long to kill him. I am such a stupid dumb fool!"
" Salim! Stop it "
He hugged her tightly.
" I will always protect you Madhu, always. Even if it is from me. I will protect you."
" This is the safest place for me , in your arms ."
" Listen, I want you to be honest with me."
" I am , ask me anything."
" Are you - " He stumbled.
" Salim go on."
" Are you " he took a deep breath and then continued again,
" Are you scared of me?"
" No , no not at all , why would you think that?"
" Okay"
" Listen, Salim , I am not afraid of you, you understand?"
" Yes"
" Are you scared of me?" Madhuri asked Salim
" Of course I am " he laughed.
" Salim!"
"See, you started beating me out of nowhere" they both laughed.
He kissed her hair .
" Let's sleep now"
" Yes"

The next morning, as usual, Salim went to the royal court to solve the issues arised due to complications with king Jashan .

" I think we should wait ."
" Wait for him to fight with us?" His father said.
" No , he knows he can't stand against us. He is just using his strengths."
" So what are we doing?"
" We are going to take our land back from him."
" How?"
" Not yet decided but if nothing else then a battle . We could defeat him easily. We don't need to get him back , he will come himself."
" Fine, Salim do whatever you want."
" I want the map of our kingdom, bring it"

Salim was checking the map and making some strategies to bring king Jashan on his knees , when he noticed something unusual.
" Who are you ?"
" I am a soldier "
" I don't think so I have seen you before here with us "
" I am new"
" Is he ? " He asked others
" He said he was appointed yesterday."
" Who appointed you?"
" Captain Yazi "
" Call him here"
Salim could sense the fear in the new soldier's eyes.
" Captain Yazi here! King Salim". He bowed.
" Yes captain , did you apoint this new man here?"
" I don't think so "
" Are you sure?"
" Yes , I didn't appoint anyone new recently."
After captain's sentence against him, the mystery man removed a sword.
" Weapons down every one " he shouted.
" I knew it !" Salim said
Immediately the other soldiers removed their sword and started fighting him. He was down in a second when Salim came towards him.
" Who are you?"
" Please don't kill me!"
" Who are you I asked!"
" I am not from your kingdom, I am king Jashan 's man. I have been told to keep an eye on you ."
" How many of you are there here in the palace?"
" We are 30 people in this kingdom right now."
" What are all of our soldiers doing?! There are 30 strangers in our kingdom, some of them must be in the palace too. How can you all not know!" Salim yelled.
" Look out for them and kill them."
" Alert everyone in the palace."

" King Salim! "
" Yes"
" This is not an ordinary army. It's the eldest son of King Jashan's secret army which is currently in the palace and it's already alerted. They know that we are finding them , anything can happen we must be careful."
" Oh my god! Inform my father, go .
Tell my mother and other people in the palace to gather here in the court. Tell Madhuri ,go!"
" Yes"

Salim took his sword and his shield with his army and started looking out for the terrorists in their palace.
" I should have been more alert!" Salim sighed
"Guard the royal court. My mother arrived?"
" Yes "
" And Madhuri?"
" No queen isn't there yet."
" Who went to inform her?"
" Someone did go but I don't remember who it was "
" Man! Useless people are filled here. It can be a terrorist! She is pregnant do you understand? I want her to be safe , where is she?"
" I think in your room"
" Let's go there now."
" Salim ! You don't go!" His father told
" Be careful son" His mother said .
Azam Shah looked at his mother with a side eye. Salim went with some of the guards.
" Pay attention towards all the sides."
" Yes your honour"
They slowly without making any noise started walking towards the room . The room was a little far from the court. On their way someone kept attacking them.

Madhuri was in their room,unaware of the situation in the palace. There was pin drop silence everywhere.

Madhuri was doing some work in their room while some one was peeking in looking at her.
"Oh my holy lord! She is so beautiful"
Someone entered the room with a bang.
She screamed.
" Who are you?!"
" I am prince Saif , nice to meet you!"
" What are you doing here?"
He smiled and closed the door behind him.
" What are you doing stop that ! Get out of the room, guards! Someone out there!" She shouted.
" No one is there my dear. "
She stood back in fear.
He took his sword in his hand and went towards her .
" Stand still, don't move !"
She started breathing heavily. He came closer to her and pointed the sword in her forehead. He then slowly slid the tip of the sword through her nose and to her lips.
" You are so beautiful, what's your name ?"
She didn't talk"
" What's your name my dear?" He then placed the sword on her neck.
" Now tell me"
" Ma- Madhuri"
" Oh! you are Madhuri! I have heard about you. Now I know why Salim is fighting so hard for you." He exclaimed.
" Please leave me "
" No! Hey! Don't try to move ! I may hurt you . "
He bent down towards her ear and said.
" Don't make me!"

He pulled out the sword and started walking in their room .
" Nice room"
" Please go away, Salim will not spare you, you will die!"
" He didn't even know about my men entering his kingdom and you think he will kill me? Thank the lord that you are so beautiful or else I would have killed you in a second."
He took a pause and then continued,
" I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life until now."

Madhuri on the other hand when he was not looking she was getting the sword that Salim had kept in the room for situations like this. He had taught her well.
As he was babbling, she took the sword in her hand and walked towards him from his back. When she was about to attack, he fought her back.
" Hey you know how to fight?! What a complete jackpot I have found!" He exclaimed happily.
" No!"
She started fighting with him with all her strength.
" I should say you are good , but you can't win against me , my love."
She went behind as she couldn't handle his weight and the pressure he was putting in. The sword almost came near her neck and his face was so close to her.
" As I said! You can't win over me!" Saying this he knocked out the sword from her hands and pointed it towards her heart.
" What now my love?"
She didn't reply.
" I should appreciate your courage though! It was good , I had fun fighting with you !"
" Stop it "
" I have to go but I am supposed to kill you ." He continued, " But , I have an offer! "
" What?"
" I won't kill your beautiful face , but in return, you have to marry me . I loved you today. The most beautiful girl is my wife, so amazing right? Leave that Salim , he is useless right now. Look at me! "
" Go to hell!"
" How dare you !" He yelled coming close to her. He grabbed her waist with one hand and placed other on her face.
" You have such soft skin. It's okay , I forgave you for talking to me rudely."
" Let go of me !" She shouted and started hitting him .
" Stop my dear , don't forget, I am all armed ."
" Salim!" She began shouting
" He can't be here my love,he is busy somewhere else but I am here so don't worry." He smiled.
" Salim!" She was sobbing.
" Let me have a taste of you ."
" No! No! Go away please! Please! Salim!!"

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