The punishment

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" Prince I want more energy from you." His father kept on poking him during his punishment.
Salim looked so tired and helpless, he was barely able to breathe. Looking at his poor condition his mother tried to convince his father.
"Dear husband, but spare him, look at him he is so tired, he has been doing this since afternoon, please, he will get sick." His mother was requesting his father.
" No. If he wouldn't have run away , he wouldn't have been punished today."
" But- "
" Go away."
His mother left all the way feeling sad for her son as she was helpless.
While going back towards her room in the palace, Madhuri bumps into her.
" Madhuri you here?"
" Yes your honour, I am so sorry to bump into you ."
" It's okay dear."
" What happened? Are you okay?"
" How can I be okay when my son is suffering."
" What happened to Salim?!" She was tensed.
" His father punished him to practice till midnight, he is been doing that since afternoon. I am so worried about him , he might get sick." His mother was weeping.
"Oh my god!"
" I am going to get him some food, see you later."
" Yes "
Hearing this Madhuri felt so sorry for him. She rushed to the practice ground and saw his father and him from afar, so that his father doesn't catch her . Salim was barely able to stand, he was huffing and struggling so much, she couldn't see any more of that. Her eyes went watery . She went to get some water for him. As soon as she saw his father leaving, she ran towards him.
"Salim! Salim! Are you okay?"
She held him in her hands as he sat down gasping.
" Here have some water."
He drank some water through her hands . She wiped his sweat using her dupatta and tired to give him some air.
" Salim? "
" Madhu I am so tired, I can't do it anymore."
He placed his head on her shoulder.
" Oh Salim!"
Just then his mother arrived with some food.
" Madhuri? You here?"
" Yes I was worried about him so I -"
" It's okay here Salim have some food before your father arrives."
" I can't." Salim answered.
" Please Salim have some."
" He won't like it."
" We won't tell him please have some , Salim."
He was not ready to listen anything.
" Madhuri please tell him." She requested Madhuri to convince him.
" Salim, please please have something, I request you, please?"
He looked at her she was looking at him with a crying face .
He didn't speak anything, his mother tired to feed him food with her own hands and he ate it . His mother was smiling again, she looked at Madhuri taking care of Salim so wholeheartedly , she was sure that she can take a very good care of her son.
" I hear footsteps" His mother alerted Madhuri and Salim.
" Madhuri you go from that side , take this plate and this water with you."
" Yes " She took everything and looked at Salim once again,
" Salim, take care,okay?"
He nodded. She ran outside from the other side. His father came in and saw Salim practising with swords.
" Dear, please have some pity, your son is really very tired, please forgive him. "
His father looked at him and said,
" I think he will never think of bunking practice again . Would you?"
" No." Salim replied.
" Fine . Drop it and go . If I catch you once again, you won't be forgiven remember my words."
" Yes " He bowed down.
His mother helped him walk out.

Outside He saw Madhuri sitting on the stairs .
" Mother, you go ahead, I will come."
" Are you sure son?"
" Yes mother."
He tapped on her shoulder, as soon as she saw him ,she was delighted.
"Salim! Are you okay? Can you walk? Do you want me to take you to your room? Did your father forgive you ?Anything? Salim?"
" Madhu! Clam down. I am okay , I was leaving and I saw you that's why I stopped."
" Come sit ." She helped him sit .
" You stayed? " Salim asked.
" Ofcourse! You were in trouble how could I leave you?"
He looked at her and smiled.
" I just couldn't see you like that , Salim I was worried."
Hearing this, Salim pulled her near him, he placed his arm around her , she placed her head of his shoulder."
" Thank you Madhu, I am grateful to have you in my life."
She smiled and hugged him tight. They stayed in silence for a few minutes.
" It's late, let's go , I will help you ."
" No madhu, you go home, your parents must be worried. "
" No it's okay , I am coming."
" They will scold you."
" Its okay! I can listen to that for you ."
" Madhu"
" Come , hold my hand."
He placed his arm around her, she held him by his waist and they walked towards his room.

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