In sickness and health

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Salim was practicing day and night to win this battle . He started to study the opponent's tactics and tried to guess their strategy. While doing so, he never forgot to meet her, this time not at her home but at prison.

Madhuri kept herself together. She knew that Salim will take her out. She trusted him with her whole life. Her love for him reflects in her eyes.

" Hey! Madhu? How are you doing, are you fine?" Salim whispered to her sitting down outside the prison.
" I am good."
They held hands through the rails. He touched her face.
" Why don't you look so good? Tell me if there's anything wrong. "
" No nothing's wrong. I am fine , you please focus on your training. Don't worry about me ."
" I want to hug you so badly but I can't. Wait I will see if I can come in ." Salim said.
" No no don't! Please just don't create anymore fights okay?"
" But-"
" Just for a few days ." She tried to console him.
" Yes ."
" Madhuri is anything wrong?" She looked different to him.
" No I am really fine, you go now, your time is right now very important."
" You are important to me Madhu."
She smiled.
" Salim, it's time."
" I know . I am going then ."
As he stood up to leave, she stood up too to wave him back. But as she stood up she felt dizzy. Salim saw that and immediately went towards her.
" Madhu?! What's happening!"
She collapsed to the ground unconscious.
" Madhu?! Madhu?! " He started shouting. Listening to him, the guards rushed to him.
" Open the damn lock. Right now ." He yelled at them.
" Dear prince we are not -"
" I said open ! Unlock it right now or I won't look back taking your lives ."
He shouted at them.
They finally opened the prison door and he rushed in taking her head in his arms .
" Madhu? Please open your eyes? What happened to you? "
He patted her cheeks trying to wake her up.
" What happened to her ?" He asked the guards but they had no answers.
" Madhu come on please wake up, for me ? Open your eyes please."
" Give me water!" He ordered.
He sprinkled some water on her face.
" My dear, what happened to you? Open your eyes." He pleaded her so much.

She slowly gained back her consciousness. She opened her eyes looking at Salim's worried face .
" Thank God! Madhu how are you? What happened? Are you okay? "
" I am fine!" She said in a low voice.
" Don't lie. What happened I asked you all, I need answers !" He demanded the guards.
" Your honour, actually we have no idea. We are telling the truth."
" I don't believe anyone anymore."
" Salim, I am fine, it's okay. "
" What okay? You falling unconscious is okay? What if I hadn't come? I wouldn't even know then right?"
" Salim."
" Don't try to distract me. I asked you trice, if you are okay , you didn't look good and all , you should have told me ."
" Nothing was wrong that time."
" Stop. Have you been eating well?"
" Yes- yes."
" Why this stammer then?"
" Wait let me call someone for help."
" No need Salim really, you go now."
" You don't get to talk ."
He asked the guard to get someone who can help with her health.

" What happened?" The woman who had come to look at her said.
" She collapsed in a sudden and went unconscious."
" Are you eating well?"
" Yes" she replied.
" I don't think so."
" I knew she was lying, she didn't look good today."
" She hasn't been eating. She has no food in her stomach. Like this she will fall sick. Please take care of her and give her something to eat very soon ."
Salim looked at Madhuri catching her lies.
" Give her some sugar -water or milk."
" Yes I will take care of her , thank you for coming this urgent."
" It's okay. No problem it's my duty."

As soon as the woman left , Salim asked Madhuri once more.
" Why haven't you been eating?"
Madhuri looks down.
" Madhuri tell me."
She still doesn't open her mouth.
" Why didn't you tell me if you weren't okay?"
" Madhu come on answer me."
" I don't have answers."
" Rubbish."
" Salim please leave this here, I am okay now, I will do as she told me too. Don't worry about me ."
" You won't tell me right?"
" Salim please "
" Okay then."

He called the guards.
" If you don't tell me right now , I would knock off each heads here. "
" Salim stop!"
He placed his sword on one of the guards neck.
" Speak!" He yelled.
" We weren't providing her food since she got here."
" What ?!"
" We are sorry, but we had to ."
" So you are telling me that it's been 3 days now and she haven't had any food? "
" Sorry but it's true. But it's not our fault. Please spare us."
He turned to Madhuri looking at her hiding her face .
" Get food! Right now! Go!"
" Yes ." The guards ran out.

" Why didn't you tell me?"
" I came here everyday, right?"
" Right" she replied
" Then , why didn't you tell me?"
" Salim, I didn't wanted to worry you , you already have so much going on, if you fight with your father again then something bad would happen to you. "
Salim turned his face behind.
" Salim - here look at me ."
He turned slowly.
" If he does something to me I don't care really, I would bear anything for you but if he does something to you then I can't bear it Salim. Already you have a battle on your head. Now this, it's just a little -"
" What little madhu? What little. What about me huh? Do you think I can bear you suffering? How ? "
" Oh Salim" she wiped his tears.

The guards just then handled a plate to Salim and left .
" Here open your mouth."
" Salim?! "
" You don't get to make this decision now. I said open ."
She smiled.
He started feeding her food with his own hands.
" If something is wrong again? You will tell me ! Promise me right now or else I won't go."
" Okay I promise but I want a promise too."
" What?"
" Please don't fight with anyone about this please."
" No I can't promise anything like that."
" You don't understand Salim, it would worse things . Really. "
" Madhu "
" Please?"
He hesitated for while but then agreed.
" Okay."
" Thank you "
" Hate you madhu "
" What?!" She started laughing.
" I could never lie to this beautiful face. I love you."
" I love you too!"

Madhuri Where stories live. Discover now