my fault

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" Safeena! She was the woman I loved whom your husband stole from me ."
" Don't mess things up Saif , we both know what happened!"
" You messed everything!"
" You are so done! Look around."
All Salim 's men had covered Saif from all the sides.
" Sword down !" Salim yelled.
" I swear I can kill you right now for messing with my wife! But I think we have some unfinished business."
" Salim!"
" Madhu! You have saved my life today , I am so proud of you!"
He hugged her tightly.
" You punk ! I - I could never! How could you?!" She yelled at Saif.
She looked at Salim and then Salim said,
" Go ahead"
As soon as she heard him , she went towards Saif and slapped the hell out of him.
" How could you! " She continued hitting him .
" Madhu, come here. Don't you worry, I will finish him soon."
" Arrest him, I will come back at him later."

" Salim " she hugged him again.
" Madhu, my dear madhu! I - I , are you okay?"
" Yes "
" Let's go from here!"
" No no please wait. Don't leave me "
She was in his arms sometime more.

" Madhu? "
" Madhu? Hey Madhu?"
" What happened Madhu? Wake up!" She fell unconscious in his arms.
" Hey! Wake up! Madhu?!"
He laid her on the bed in some other room as their room was nearly destroyed.
" What happened to her?! Call someone, call that lady, call my mother go!" He instructed the guard.
" Oh madhu! What did I do to you!"
He cried out.

" Son what happened here!"
" She is not waking up mother"
" She is stained with blood, son! "
" I know I will explain it later, please look at her "
" Sprinkled some water on her?"
" I tried that, no luck!"
" You called that lady? "
" Yes she is coming!"
" Okay calm down son, she will be okay. Look at you! Are you okay?"
" I don't care about me , mother!"
" I am here, what happened to her?" That lady arrived.
" She fell unconscious, please do something!"
" What happened here? Why is she like this!"
" We had a unfortunate situation here"
" I said be careful, she is pregnant, she can't fight like that it may arise complications. Do you understand!"
" I know, it happened all of a sudden!"
" Was she pushed?"
" Yes"
" She fought?"
" She did."
" Did she got hurt in the stomach?"
" No "
" Oh king !"
" What happened?" He was so worried.
" I am not sure but I will give you some herbs which might energize her and the baby. She might be unconscious for some more time . As she comes back to her senses please call me again . I will stay here in the palace if it is okay."
" Ofcourse please stay we need you."
" Please be more careful. Situations like these are very harmful to the child and the mother. "
" Are they fine?"
" I hope they are. I will be back ."
The lady left the room.
" Oh Salim, stay strong, she will be fine."
" It's all my fault! I - oh mother " He was crying.
" Don't cry Salim everything will be alright." She hugged Salim.
" I am responsible for everything!"
" Salim stop blaming yourself "
" I will go get those herbs and food for her okay?"
" Okay "

He sat beside her waiting for her to wake up.
" Salim?" She called his name in a very low voice as she gained back her consciousness.
" Madhu! Madhu! How are you feeling?"
" I am okay"
" Madhu I - I don't even know what to say "
" Salim." He held her hand
" Son! I am back , is she awake?"
" Yes mother "
" Oh dear Madhuri, how are you ?"
" I am okay "
" Here Salim , feed her this."
" Yes mother "
" I will tell the guards to call the lady."
" Yes"
" Here have some water, can you sit?"
" Yes "
" Slowly "
He made her sit back .
" Here"
" Salim your face , it has a lot of cuts it's bleeding, go treat it first."
" Let it be, concentrate on this "
" Salim?"
" Eat please?"
He feed her food with his own hands.
The lady just arrived there again .
" How are you feeling now?"
" I am better!"
" Okay "
She touched her stomach
" Do you feel the child?"
" Salim what happened? Why are you asking me this question?! Of course I feel it."
" Madhuri calm down"
" Whatever happened today is not at all good for the baby. That's why you fell unconscious. But I think there is still hope. This is terribly harmful for the child queen . You had been pushed and you fought, you lifted heavy swords it's too bad. "
" Is everything alright? Everything is okay right? Salim what is she saying?!" She started freaking out.
Salim then sat beside her and held her hand.
" I feel the child, it's okay!" Madhuri Said.
" From my side, I can say that the child is safe . But you really need to rest now. Full body rest . Eat healthy and rest !"
" Yes "
" Take care, both of you please "
" Yes I will and please I request you to stay at the palace." Salim insisted.
" Fine no problem."
And she left . His mother said goodbye to Madhuri and left too.

Madhuri was sitting holding her stomach.
" Salim?"
" Yes? Do you want to get out of those dirty clothes? I will help you, here are some fresh clothes. "
" Salim I -"
" Please come ?"
" Okay"
He helped her stand.
" I can stand Salim , I am okay now "
He didn't talk or let go of her. He helped her change and wash the blood off her body.
" Here go to sleep"
" Salim? You have been injured, please treat it!"
" Go to sleep madhu , rest "
" Salim , your hand is still bleeding, your face has cuts , please go "
" Don't stand again , go to sleep now "
" But Salim"
" Please "
" Okay "
She laid down but he was still standing near the window.
After sometime she called him again.

" Salim?"
" What happened anything wrong? Should I call her?" He panicked a little and rushed towards her.
" Salim! What ? Calm down. I am okay I was just asking about you."
" Oh. Do you have trouble sleeping? "
" No , Salim! stop for a second . Listen to me!"
" Yes?"
" What happened to you? Why are you acting weird! You haven't changed, not even washed your face nothing. "
" I am okay -"
" Why are you not looking at me ? Salim? "
" It's nothing, sleep please " his voice was breaking .
" Salim don't walk away, come here!"
He walked towards her with his head down.
" Salim? What is it ?"
" I said - I said nothing "
" Why is your voice breaking then ?"
He couldn't speak.
" Salim say something!"
" I don't know "
" Why are you crying? Salim I am all fine and our child is okay too! "
" I am - I am I don't even know , I am so embarrassed to even use the word sorry. "
" Salim no "
" What no madhu! I am responsible for all this! "
" No Salim !"
" It's all my fault. I always make your life miserable."
" Are you insane Salim?! What are you talking about!"
" It's true madhu! I am your criminal. Our child could have- because of me !"
" Nothing is because of you , stop blaming yourself."
" Madhu I am the one who is supposed to protect you not the one who puts you in danger."
" You didn't Salim, you taught me to protect myself, because of you I am in front of you. You taught me to fight back Salim!"
" Whatever Saif said today, it was true . I make you go through this . I am so guilty ."
" Salim stop "
" You should be very far away from me. I promised you that I will protect you even if it is from me. I am doing that. I need to protect you and our child from me ."
" Salim , you are talking rubbish now."
" It's not ! It's not madhu! Do you have any close relatives far away from here?"
" Salim! "
" Please answer me please?"
" No I have no one in this world left other than you. My father died after I got married and now I have only you Salim."
" I will think about it then. I will find a safe place for you."
" Salim! Stop it ! Are you insane?! You are asking me to go away from you?"
" Yes , you both are in danger here. You heard what that lady said? We have to be more careful."
" Salim !" She shouted.
He fell crying in her lap.

Madhuri Where stories live. Discover now