where's the prince?

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After 7 days

Salim still hasn't returned from the battlefield. There was no contact with them. There was no message from their side . People started gossiping about Salim that he had lost the battle and that's why isn't coming back.

" Excuse me ?" Madhuri called up a guard.
" Yes?"
" Has the prince returned? Any news of him coming up ?"
" No not yet "
" Okay " she was worried about him .

Suddenly there was a man crying and weeping running towards the palace gates. He rushed in without any permission and straight away went towards the royal court.

" Your highness! Your highness!"
" Why is this man in my court in such a way ?!" The king yelled.
" Please, our prince!"
" What happened to the prince?"
" Our prince! Prince Salim is-"
" What nonsense, speak up!"
" Prince is - prince is dead!" He cried out loud .
" What rubbish, it's not true!"
" I don't know but we haven't found a dead body yet but the prince and half of our army has vanished. There is not sign of them. The king of Hansi has heard that the prince is dead therefore no further war!"
" It can't be true! My son is not dead! No!"
" We don't have any updates from their side. Oh dear prince!"
" Stop this nonsense. Go and find the prince! Go!"

A huge wave of sadness was spreading all over the kingdom. The news of the prince being dead had reached every house. Everyone was expressing their sorrow towards the prince.

It didn't take much time to reach towards her .
" What happened? Excuse why are you all crying? What happened please tell me!" The guards had got to know about the bad news.
" Come on! Tell me ! Is the prince back? Did we lose? What happened?"
" The prince didn't return."
" What why? Where is he?"
" He is no more "
She was stunned to the ground.
" No it can't be! No!" She screamed in pain. She expressed her disbelief.
She started crying banging her hands on the prison rails.
" But say it's not true! It can't be! He said he will come back. He can't break his promise. No" she weeped.
" Sorry to say but it's true"
" Let me out ! Now! Please I want to see him please !"
" We can't do that ."
" Didn't you hear me! I need to see him! Get me out , open ! Please I beg you let me go please." She tried to put her hands out within the gaps .
" We haven't found the body yet ."
" Don't say it like that !" She was screaming and crying in pain. Everyone in the palace heard her yell.

She looked at her finger with his ring on it .
" You said to me that you would come back, didn't you ? Then why did you not come ? I was waiting for you to come my dear. Where are you ? Salim? Come back please. Come to me ! You promised me ! Sali------m!" She kept on talking to the ring he had given her. Crying loudly looking at that ring.
" How can there be a Madhuri but not a Salim?"
" How can I stay if there is no Salim?"
" Salim please come back , I miss you so bad."

" It all happened because of you!" One of the guards yelled at her.
" What?"
" You heard right! All of it is because of you! Because of you our beloved prince went for a tough battle in the first place. He fought with the king for you. You are the real culprit behind his death. " Saying that the guard banged the rails and put his sword through the gaps which almost touched her face.
" No!" She shouted.
" We are not sparing you! You should be dead"

After they left, she believed whatever they said. She started believing that because of her , he was dead. Her Salim was no more with her. It's been 2 days since this news. Madhuri went into depression. She didn't talk, she didn't eat, she didn't respond, nothing.
She sat there on the floor, staring at nothing.

"Get up!"
She didn't respond. The guards opened the locks.
" Hey, you! Get up. Its time for revenge."
She didn't say a word. They now forcefully pick her up by her arm.
" Take her to the court!"

They chained her hands , put a huge neck line chain in her neck and presented her to the court.

" Here comes the culprit!" The king said.
" My son is dead! Because of you! And now I am doing justice with my son. By killing you!" He shouted.
She didn't even show any fear on her face. She believed had he is dead because of her and that's why she had to die .
" Everyone present in this court should we end her right now? For our prince!"
" Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!" Everyone started chanting together.
" Look at this. We should grant these wishes." The king said
" I am not at all sorry for this , because of you he fought with me . Because of you he went for this battle and because of you , he is no more! " He paused and then continued, " I sentence you to death for prince Salim 's murder!"
" Do you accept? Well you have no other option -"
" I accept it. Madhuri can't exist in a world where there is no Salim." Madhuri said .
" Good!"

Tears rolled down her cheeks hearing that Salim was no more because of her.
" Your honour! Your honour!" A soldier rushes in.
" What it is now ?"
" They are ba -" the soldier was about to say something when the king interrupted him.
" Stop! I can hear this later!" First let me do some justice."
The king instructed some one amongst the guards to come up with a sword.
The guards made her kneel down the floor. He guards hold her so that she doesn't move at all.
" It's over!" The king yelled and asked one of his men to kill her by jamming the sword in her heart .
Madhuri closed her eyes and waited for death.

" Justice for the prince!"
Saying this he held the sword in his hands up in the air, and was was just going to kill her .
Just then the royal court echoed with a sound.

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