our little guest

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" Madhuri come on! answer, some one who?"
" Who knows that? " Madhuri replied.
Salim arched his eyebrows
" I am thinking maybe a little Salim?"
" A little what?!"
Madhuri started laughing at Salim's weird face.
" What's that face?" She said laughing.
" A little what?" He asked again.
" A little Salim"
" No no no!"
" What no!"
" I mean yes yes yes!"
" Salim"
He was so confused and happy about that. He started jumping and shouting in the air.
" Salim , I said little Salim, not be little Salim."
" Madhu! OMG!"
She got up to calm him down , instead of that he lifted her up .
" Salim!"
" I am so so happy, my god. I am now blank, fully blank! I am so so so happy madhu! "
" Salim I am happy too! A lot ."
" Madhu! "
" Yes?"
" I am going to be a father?"
" Yes! A very good and responsible father ."
" And you will be a very caring and a kind mother."
He cupped her face and kissed her forehead.
" This is the greatest reward my dear, thank you." He kissed her again and then continued talking.
"Oh okay so now what? Should I start some preparations, or anything else you need? You tell me! I think I will call that lady to stay here , besides our room so that she can be there when you need her ......"
Salim was going on and on .
" Salim Salim! Calm down, it's just the start, there is very long time . It will be okay".
" I know I know but -"
" Salim "
" I am too excited " He started jumping again.
" Salim! I think I have to change my opinion."
" What opinion?"
" Of our kid being Little Salim."
" Why?" He hugged her from behind and placed his chin on her shoulder.
" Because I don't think I can handle two Salims . Handling you is so difficult you know? I feel pity towards your mother! "
" Is that so ?"
" Ofcourse have you seen you ? "
" I still think little Salim is better."
" Why what's wrong with little Madhuri?"
" She will be bossy like you ."
" I am bossy ?"
" Of course then I have to listen to orders of both you . It will be difficult for me don't you think?"
" Oh it is ?" She removed his hands from her waist and started beating him .
" Is it ?!"
" See ! See! Look at you now! How will I survive with two of you huh?" He started running around and was behind him .
" Salim!"

" Hey you both stop !" His mother arrived there.
" Mother!"
" Madhuri, you shouldn't run around like this ! Now you should be careful!"
" How did you ?"
" I got to know , I met the lady earlier she told me."
" Oh!"
" Sit there!"
" Yes "
" And you ! Why are you troubling her?"
" What ? Me?! She was beating me"
" You must have done something right?"
" Yes " Madhuri said.
" What yes madhu?"
She giggled at him while his mother was scolding him.
" You should take more care of her Salim, now you are going to be a father, it comes with responsibilities."
" I know mother, sorry"
" Madhuri, you too!"
" Sorry "
" Madhuri, how are you feeling?"
" I am good "
" Nice, tell me if you need anything okay ?"
" Yes"
" And please take everything you are instructed to. And please don't run around like that okay?"
" Yes yes , don't worry."
" My dear, Madhuri I am so excited for you both! May God bless you!"
Madhuri and Salim both hugged their mother.
" Salim, you told your father?"
" No"
" Tell him, he should know , he is going to be a grandfather afterall."
" But -"
" Take your time "
" Yes "
" I will get going then , and I shouldn't catch you both again alright?"
" Yes!"
" Good "

His mother left the room.
" It's because of you I got scolded." Salim said.
" Because of me ? You were the one to call me bossy!"
" You said I am difficult to handle."
" Well you are!"
" Madhu!"

Both of them started laughing together.

" Come sit here. " He called her to sit besides him on the bed.
" Don't you worry, I would behave "
" I know that"
" I will take care of you both "
" I will too."
" Well now I am going to be strict towards you. "
" Oh!"
" Ofcourse , madhu I am so excited for this new phase. And I promise I would do the right thing besides our child. I won't be another Azam Shah, I promise to you ."
" Salim, I know , you would be a great father. "
" I don't know how ! Would my child like me ? "
" Why wouldn't our child like you ? You are the best!"
" But you know being parents, it's new and you know-"
" We will be fine "

He rested his head on her lap.
" I should start learning lullabies."
" Your mother would know many !"
" Yes she used to sing me a lot. Madhu?"
" Yes?"
" Please don't ever stop singing okay?"
" Okay"
" Our child needs to hear you ! You know a lullaby?"
" Yes I know some"
" Sing for me then "
Madhuri looked at him.
" Come on please? After some months, you will have no time for me . Our child will take it all!" He placed his hand on her stomach.
" Fine" she smiled.

She started singing a sweet lullaby for him and he fell asleep on her lap . She looked at his sleeping baby face and said to him while he was asleep.
" I hope it's a Little Salim!" And then she kissed his forehead.

Madhuri Where stories live. Discover now