let you go

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" I wanted to tell you something interesting since this morning!"
" What?"
" Your father thanked me !"
" My father, thanked you? Were you dreaming?"
" No it's true ! He thanked me for saving your life."
" He did?"
" Yes"
" Well this is shocking "
" It is."
" It's amazing actually."
" I think he is starting to accept things."
" Maybe "
" Everything's good now." She said.
" okay so now, I will go and check the room, the helpers will take our stuff, you take rest, I will look into that ."

" Salim wait . I want to talk to you "
" Not again , madhu please."
" Why not ?"
" My mother just tried to change my mind and I am telling you the same thing I told her, I am sorry but you have to go . I have decided Agra , to my teacher, what do you think?"
" No !" She yelled.
" Madhu please try to understand the situation, we shouldn't think emotionally right now!"
" Salim you are -"
" This is not easy for me! I hate it as much as you do! I hate every part about this Madhu, I don't want you to go away from me but -"
" But what ?!"

Both started raising their voices.

" But I can't be selfish with you. You are going to be safe only and only if you are away from me."
"It's not true! I am safe here with you . I don't want to leave you."
" But would you please think logically."
" I am selfish okay? I am selfish and I want to be here with you. "
" Madhu please! It's not over yet. Please, I beg you. I beg you with everything, please?"
" Salim don't "
" Please "
" So you are this desperate?!"
" Please madhu "
" Who put this in your mind? Saif? He influenced you?! "
" It has nothing to do with this ."
" Whatever he said isn't true Salim, stop believing lies!"
" It has nothing to do with that madhu."
" Then?"
" I don't know anything, you are going! The end! And you have to listen to me."
" I am not going anywhere." She yelled with tears in her eyes.
" Madhu it's just a matter of a few months."
" Few months? Are you sure? How many times can I see you?"
" I will come as much as possible"
" Can you come everyday?"
" Madhu please try to understand."
" I understand what you had been through that day Salim, I do , I really do! If I would have been in your place I would have shattered too! But this , you making me go away it's not -"
" It's the right step . I have to think about both of you and I am doing that."
" Are you telling me that I don't care about our child?"
" No not at all "
" Then why are you being so stubborn?!" She shouted
" You are!" He shouted too .
They paused.

" Go away "
" What?!"
" I said go away, you want me to stay away from you right? Okay then, go!"
She started to push him out of the room.
" Go ! Don't come back. Let me see how long you stay away from me . "
" Madhu, listen."
" Go " she cried out and shut the door in front of his face. Salim tried to hide his tears. He didn't knock but he stood there.
He said to himself,
" I think now you would want to go away from me. I am sorry madhu, but this is the right thing"
He sat down near the door .
" I have to let you go, even if it breaks my heart."

" Your majesty, please don't sit here, please stand up please!" The guard up there panicked to see the king sitting down near the door.
" No it's fine "
" Please please your highness!" The guard pleaded to him.

He started walking away. He stopped by his mother's room.
" Mother "
" Yes son?"
" Please go with some food for Madhuri, it's dinner time."
" Why me? What happened again?"
" I don't think she wants to see me ."
" Salim what did you do ?"
" Please go, make sure she eats ."
" What about you?"
" She is in the new room. We haven't moved back yet."
" Salim?"
" If she asks about me, tell her I had dinner. See you later."

His mother as instructed by Salim , went into her room with food.
" Madhuri, it's me , open the door please."
" Yes Mother."
" Here have your dinner."
" No, I don't want it."
" Madhuri, eat it ."
She sat with her in her room.
" Please eat child "
" Please, I am not hungry."
" Madhuri, what happened now?"
" Salim ! He is being so stubborn and he is fighting with me now! He just doesn't want me here."
" It's not like that ."
" I know that, but he , I don't want to leave his side. Not again."
" It's okay madhuri don't cry. He will understand okay?"
" Hmm"
" Now please eat okay?"
" I am not hungry, I don't want to eat."
" But your child would be . Please eat for your child?"
She looked at her weirdly .
" What?"
Madhuri now raised her eyebrows.
" What are you trying to say?"
She once again raised her eyebrows.
" Ohh ! "
She arched her eyebrows.
" He did- he had his dinner."
" Okay "
" Now please eat ."
" Okay."

As his mother came out of the room, she saw Salim waiting outside.
" Did she eat?"
" Yes"
" Good "
" She did ask about you."
" You told her right?"
" I did but what about you?"
" Nothing."
" Salim please take care of yourself son, I am worried about you."
" I am fine , mother, thank you for today, please go rest ."

He was still waiting outside her room. He thought of knocking but he didn't. She had instructed him not to. He started to hear footsteps coming near the door from inside.
She opened the door to look at him if he was there or not. She peeked outside the door . She looked at her left, then at her right. Guards were standing outside.
" Was Salim, I mean was the king here?"
" No "
" Okay, would you give him this? Don't tell him that I sent it."
" Sure your highness."

The guards went towards the king who was hiding near the stairs.
" Your majesty, here"
" What's that?"
" It's some food "
" Who gave this ?"
" I am sorry but I am not supposed to say "
" Okay " he smirked.

It was midnight and he went back to her door
" Madhu?"
" Madhu?"
" I know you are in there. "
" Now you won't talk to me? Madhu?"
" Are you asleep?"
She didn't respond to him. So he went back and came once again after some time.

" Madhu come on , I know you won't talk to me but at least hear me out. "

It was morning , the sun had arrived but none of them had slept yesterday. He kept knocking and she kept proving her point.

" Come on please "
" How long are you going to keep me out?"

He kept walking around the door. His mother came by to check upon them .
" How's everything going?"
" I haven't seen her face since last night."
" Look at you Salim, you couldn't survive this how could you survive months! "
" I don't know, I don't know! I survived in Agra I will do it again."
" Stop this , it's getting bad now."
She went away.

He knocked on the door again.
" Madhu please, I - please open " he ducked his head on the door. He was pleading to her.

" Fine you win. I couldn't stay away from you any longer knowing that you are furious with me . Please open the door, let me see you "
" Please?"
He heard her walking towards the door. He moved back and she opened the doors slowly.
Salim saw her , finally. The gave her a look without talking anything. She was teary .

He rushed towards her, pushed the door wide open and hugged her .
" Sorry"

" You win! God you win!"
" I didn't want to win against you . This not a battle. I just wanted to show you what would happen if we don't see each other. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I am so used to you being there, I can't take it if you are not there."
" But my mind , it's still not agreeing. I still think you are not safe here."
" Salim, I feel unsafe without you. It doesn't matter if I am in a well protected mansion or the world's best warriors are my bodyguards. It will always be unsafe without you with me. My outer body will be protected no doubt about that, what about my soul? Who will protect that if you are away from me?"
She held him and he melted in her arms.
" Do you understand me?"
" I do ."
" I will never leave your back . I will be double careful, I will have guards and soldiers around me all the time and I won't give you a chance to complain or regret this decision. I promise you. " She reassured him.
" And I promise, if anything happens again , I wouldn't go against your word. " She said
" I love you"

Madhuri Where stories live. Discover now