meet me at midnight

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It was almost midnight and the next in line king Salim was in a mask , covering his royal clothes with a blanket peeking into Madhuri 's in-laws house once again. He saw her husband sleeping and she was stitching something which he couldn't see.
"Madhu!" He whispered again . She raised her eyes and started looking here and there and then continued her work. Salim then picked a small pebble from the ground and threw it at her .
" Ouch!" She said and looked at the window where she was a masked man . She thought he was a thief and screamed. Listening her screaming, her husband woke up.
" What the hell?"
" There is a thief outside our house, catch him!"
" What, a thief in my House, well he is dead now." He took his sword and rushed outside. Salim hid as soon as he heard her scream. She went with her husband outside looking for the thief. As Hamzal was searching for the thief, Madhuri had no idea that it was Salim.
Hamzal was standing a little far away looking for the theif from her .
Just then some Black cloth fell down from above in front of her eyes. She picked that up and looked above her. She was shocked to see Salim hanging on the tree just above her and that cloth belongs to him.
She gasped at him and started showing him gestures.
" What are you doing up there?"
He pointed at Hamzal and told her to get him back to sleep.
" Dear, I think there is no thief, he must have been gone, we will look for him in the morning."
" How can you look in the morning? Is he coming for breakfast at our house? Stupid person!"
" No I mean , it's late, maybe it wasn't a thief , I just saw an owl or something perhaps."
He didn't respond yet.
" Please, let's sleep , it's late. "
He came towards her. He was exactly standing right below Salim. Salim was trying so hard not to make a noise.
" Are you sure it was an owl?"
" Yes yes"
" Don't ever wake me up like this ."
" Sorry."
" Come in." He said and went inside to sleep. Madhuri went inside with him . Looking at them going in, Salim jumped from the tree. As Hamzal slept again, Madhuri tiptoed her way out.

" What are you doing here?!"
" Why did you scream! Don't you recognise me?"
" How was I supposed to know that it was you in that mask so late at night?"
" I used to come like this remember?"
She looked at him, not answering.
" Why are you here? You can't be here , go ! ." She said in panic
" Madhu what happened?"
" Nothing. You go , no one can see us !"
" Are you happy?"
She didn't speak at all .
" Are you ? Madhu? Answer me ."
She was avoiding eye contact with him.
" Yes."
" Look at me and tell me once again. Are you happy with him?"
She had no answer.
" I knew it. " He said.
" I am married now , it doesn't matter."
" It does! It does Madhu. He doesn't treat you right, you are not his wife you are his worker don't you see?"
" It's nothing like that"
" Lies!"
" No!" She looked at him as if he had guessed it right.
" Fine , do you still love me ?"
" Salim! Go away please." She started walking backwards and as she turned away to leave, he asked her,
" Why don't you sing then?" She stopped as soon as she heard him.
" Tell me , why don't you sing? Why haven't you been singing since I left?"
He took a pause waiting for her to answer.
" Talk madhu! Tell me why?"
She turned back with tears and looked at him opening his arms wide for a hug.
She ran towards him and hugged him.
She began to cry in his arms .
" Salim!"
" I know , I know Madhu." He held her in his strong arms .
" I am here now , I will help you. I will take you away from all this , I promise."
" You can't Salim , you can't."
" Why?"
" Salim do you understand? I am married now, I am not Madhuri anymore, how can you take me? I am just a dancer at the palace, you are going to be the king, people won't accept us ."
" Madhu , No stop!"
" What about your father? What will he do ? "
" I don't care, I am not a child anymore. I can fight him , I can fight the world for you."
" I am cheating on my husband, Salim I feel guilty"
" Does he even love you? Does he care about you? Has he ever done something for you? Has he ? He is not even worth calling a husband if he can't fill in the duties. He doesn't even care that you aren't in the house this late at night! Your marriage is nothing, it's a forced marriage"
" But it's still a marriage!People won't accept you as their king because of me, your father may not make you the king at all, you will lose everything Salim."
" I can leave everything for you Madhu."
" But - "
" Stop, we will figure something out! Till then , please don't scream when I come at midnight, I can't climb trees everyday."
They both laughed .
" Now go in and take rest, I will see you at the palace!"
" Yes!"
" Good night!"
" Good night!"

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