Chapter Six

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Chapter Six- Thou Shall Not Kill

Avelina Greywater had heard of her sisters adventure into the human realm. She had listened to her maid inform her as she tied her red hair back and powdered her face. Avelina frowned as her maid, Libby tightened her sage corset. She sucked in a breath and held in her gasp as Libby tied it off. She was sure that she would faint tonight. The dress that had been chosen for her hugged her hips and cascaded down to the floor in silk. "Beautiful, your majesty." Libby smiled. 

Avelina cocked her head to the side, examining her pale skin in contrast with the sage of her dress and red of her hair. She only smiled at Libby's reflection. Libby returned the gesture with dimpled cheeks. Libby was human, one of the few who knew of this world and would rather work as a helper than live in it. Avelina momentarily envied her sister, she had no idea what the human world was like. She had determined that it must have been horrible enough if Libby had instead dedicated her life to that of a servant. 

"Why did you leave your home?" Avelina asked turning in her chair to look at her maid. 

Libby's smile was wiped clean off her sand colored face. She hesitantly moved a strand of black hair from her face. "Oh, miss, you're meeting begins in 15 minutes. Surely-." Avelina cut her off with the wave of her hand. "Libby, you know that I am next in line to the throne. No one will complain of my tardiness aside from my mother. Please I would like to know." She added. 

Libby caved at her childlike curiosity and chewed on her lip, fiddling with the hem of her golden dress.

Avelina grasped Libby's hand and guided her to the chair beside her vanity. "Why would my sister want to go? What makes it so wonderful? I've only ever heard of the horrible things of the human world."

Libby wondered to herself if she would regret her decision but against her better judgement spoke. "Well there are lots of bad things but so many good things as well." 

Avelina beamed at her, excitedly. "Like what?" She asked. 

"There are restaurants with food that is unbelievably good. Its made instantly and without magic. They have so many different drinks to try, there are dogs that aren't werewolves." Libby paused after her statement. "At least most of them aren't, there are these fast things called cars you can drive. There are stores filled with all sorts of things to buy and eat, oh and the scenery of the places, so many different stores and mountains. There are so many places to explore and-." 

"Avelina." A voice snapped, cutting off the bright eyed maid. "You're needed in the meeting room." Avelina cowered at the sight of Opal White, her mother's guard and a frightening woman. "Oh, yes, sorry." Avelina flew from her chair and past Opal. 

The heir was jerked back as Opal grasped ahold of her arm and pulled her dangerously close. "Don't let her glorify the cruel world of the humans, lest you want to learn what death feels like." Chills ran down Avelinas spine at Opals sharp warning. 

"I didn't mean-." Libby began from where she stood in the corner of the room, shaking from fear. "Silence." Opal snapped before nodding her head at a pair of guards. "Escort her to the conference room." 

Avelina was pulled away and was gently guided by the guards. She turned in time to see Libby's frightened gaze before Opal shut them in her room. 


Avelina barely held back her surprise as she walked into the council room. It wasn't the fact that it was only her parents, Arthur, Dane, Alaric, herself and Elwyn. It was what Elwyn wore. What her face looked like and the silence of the room. Avelina gracefully placed herself beside Elwyn.

Her younger sister didn't look up at her, but with the shadowed lights in the room she could still see the dark bruises. Elwyn was silent, her skin pale, hands clenched in her lap. She didn't look up to meet anyone's gaze. She simply sat. 

"Now that everyone has arrived the meeting can begin." Hope Greywater said, casting her oldest daughter a glance. Avelina wanted to cringe. Her mother wanted what was best for the kingdom and her daughters. 

"Last night Elwyn and I encountered what can only be described as shadow humans. They were human in every aspect other than the darkness and decay that they reeked of." Dane said this with a wrinkle of his nose.

Elwyn looked up from beneath her lashes at Dane as he spoke, Avelina attentively listening beside her. "I have heard rumors in the wolf kingdom of these kinds of people. However, I thought it was only that, a rumor."

Ashered ran a hand through his hair and Hope placed a hand on his arm. "Elwyn and I were able to eliminate the threat but there were some casualties."

Elwyns head snapped up. "Those casualties had names. Frank Luminal and Maxwell Smith." 

Danes expression softened. "I know Elwyn. I don't forget the names." Elwyn tightened her mouth and resumed looking at the table.

Beneath the table, Avelina grasped onto her sisters hand. They met each others gaze and Avelina gave her hand a tight squeeze. Elwyns lip slightly curved, but not into a full smile.

The door to the conference room opened and attention was turned to Opal who sat beside Alaric. Avelinas gaze lingered on the dried blood under her fingernails. Opals attention snapped to hers with coldness, instantly causing her slightly agape mouth to shut. 

Elwyn watched this exchange in confusion but didn't have time to ponder it as Dane resumed speaking. "Their blood is toxic, if it gets on you it burns your flesh. 

Avelina searched Alaric for a wound but instead found smooth skin. Looking down at her sisters arms, she was greeted with  black cotton fabric. Both of her arms were covered, along with her legs and neck. She wore a turtleneck dress that hugged every curve and hid all but the bruising on her face. 

"An inside source has informed my people that they are meeting in the human world in two days. I say we send a scouting group out and find out what is happening." Alaric added. 

"And who do you recommend sending?" Ashered asked. "Dane, Opal and... Elwyn."

Elwyn went rigid beside Avelina and ripped her hand from her sisters. She grasped onto the table enough that the wood moaned. Avelina blinked at the strength she hadn't seen on her younger sister. 

"I don't want to kill anyone again." She said with a strained voice. Ashered and Hopes faces contorted into pity. The remainder aside from Avelina looking either annoyed or blank. Avelina balked at her sister. "You killed someone?" She whispered. Avelina immediately wished she hadn't said anything as her sister looked at her with shame. 

"Its her job." Opal stated. 

No one else spoke for a long moment. " You have two days to prepare this time." Opal said. 

The meeting was dismissed and Ashered walked around to his youngest daughter. He leaned down in front of her. She stared intently at the ground as her father placed a kiss on her forehead. "You have to be strong my child. War is not a time for tears." He squeezed her hand and with that left her to sit in the conference room. 

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