Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight- A Queen She Will Be

Avelina Greywater sat in a room that had vines sprouting out of the walls. After Callum had made his escape, moments after realizing the situation, Avelina had been apprehended, drug away from a roaring Markarious and furious Fallen guard. 

Both Opal and Markarious were kept at an arm's length, not unleashing their wrath as Romans personal guard, a man who smelled of burnt flesh and dirt held a blade to her throat. He had nicked her collar bone, slowly dragging the blade across the bone. It had burned and although Avelina didn't flinch, her eyes had watered from the stinging. 

"Take her to the queens chambers." Prince Roman had said. Avelina did not consider a man like him to be king, not that she was going to say that with a blade against her trachea. 

Avelina had been drug to the adjoining queens suite and had thanked the creator that they were two seperate rooms. Although, only a glass double door, separated her from Roman. Both beds were angled at each other, the rooms as clear as day. 

Avelina sat in a chair in the corner, away from the prying view of the kings chambers. 

Her room was decorated in dark greens, layers of dust were wiped away by maids as she sat curled into a velvet chair. 

As they finished, one maid, a horned woman with striking black hair approached her. She wore a dark green dull dress with a white apron over it. "I will be your personal maid, your highness. My name is Gretchen."

The woman bowed deeply and produced a gown of white to Avelina. 

The heir swallowed, remembering from her courtship with Roman, all women waiting to be married wore white in the Elven kingdom until after their marriage. A way of showing that their purity was the husbands and the woman belonged to him. It hadn't been long after this discovery that she had broken contact with Roman, her teenage love for him dissipating seemingly overnight. Along with a few other instances that she dared not think about. 

Avelina breathed in deeply, silently taking the gown from Gretchen. The maid smiled sadly at her shaky hands. "I hope you trust that I am at your service, while you stay." The maid said. Avelina only nodded standing and letting the fabric unravel. She stared at the gown numbly before changing.


Avelina Greywater now wore a gown of white. It flowed to her ankles and made her breasts much more prominent than she would have liked. Lace ran from her arms to her throat, shaped into a collar above her exposed collarbone and chest, which dipped into a scandalous V. 

Avelina tried to not show her shaking hands as she straightened her back and smiled politely. She could do this. She only had to play the part until she could find out a plan, send her parents a message, anything to escape the smiling prince before her.

Prince Roman smiled with his all white teeth. The long oak table that she had eaten at only a few years ago was still the same. Avelina graciously waited for her chair at the opposite end to be pulled out and sat down. 

To her left sat Markarious, tied with iron ropes to the chair, and Opal whose wings had been pinned cruelly to the back of the chair. A bucket was set behind her, gathering the dripping crimson from where the iron nails had been embedded into. Opal bared her teeth at Prince Roman any time he looked Avelinas way, sweat dripping down her brow, the only indicator of the Fallens pain. 

Markarious was the same, his wrists however, had burns that ran so deep, they bled, healed and bled again. 

Avelina gripped the side of her leg harshly, digging her nails into the tender flesh to try and stop her shaking. 

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