Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven- The Forgotten Road

Evanders men carried the half naked dying man away as Elwyn stared. Evander didn't glance at her before he followed after them. 

The warriors attention snapped to Evanders. "Where are you going?" Elwyn asked, leaving the pack and sword where it was. She sprinted to make it to Evander, snatching his arm and pulling him towards her. "Hey, I'm talking to you." She snapped. 

"Now you are. You weren't when you were going to abandon my people." Evander rumbled, yanking his arm away from her.

Elwyn paused, taking a tentative step away. The men continued to walk away, dragging Callums bloodied body, Dane only pausing once to look back at them. 

"I had no other choice- I thought she was home-."

"That's not the point Elwyn, you are my mate. And you were going to leave without a word."

Elwyn scoffed, looking at him with disbelief. "You locked me in a cage figuratively and literally. You were trying to send me to yet another one?! I have the right to my freedom and you think for a damn moment I will continue to-."

"Markarious is with her!" Elwyn turned, her speech cut short as Dane turned his attention towards them, his skin rippling with power. His wolf was threatening to come forward. "Ready the vehicles and a group of our best fighters." Evander said as Dane nodded and left them. 

"So you'll go for Markarious but not my sister." She hissed. 

Evander turned, stalking towards her, his breath close enough to fan over her cheeks. "I never said that, Princess." He sneered. "I am going, yes for my soldier but also for my general and you. You may not take the mate bond seriously but I do. Your sister will be safe and I will retrieve her because you are my mate and it is my responsibility to keep you safe. I don't doubt if I don't come, you will get yourself captured and killed. Or worse."


It wasn't even fifteen minutes later that three black bullet proof sedans were packed with soldiers. 

Elwyn stood off to the side of the Castle, watching as they piled in their weapons. Evander had opted for a leather jacket, that withstood gunshots and knifes, his sword strapped across his back. Elwyn still held his previous one, it sat against the wall where she leaned. 

Evander didn't look at her as he walked into his built in garage. It appeared as a normal wall until some button was pressed and opened the labyrinth of vehicles. Evander motioned for the suburbans departure and walked to a two door slick black car. The body gleamed, the light bouncing off it in a way that made it seem invisible but seen. Evander walked to the passenger side and opened the door expectantly, turning with a frown to Elwyn. 

The girl straightened her shoulder, attempting to not be uneased by the foreign vehicle. The most that she had ever rode in was a bus in the human world and the plane that had brought her here. Her land still relied heavily on horses and winged creatures to carry them from place to place. There were very few vehicles, due to the toxins that they emitted in the magical world. 

Elwyn had seen the damage it had done to the human world, her nose and throat burned for days the first time she had visited the human world. 

"The car doesn't bite." Evander said, making a show to flash a slight of his canines. 

Elwyns fingers grew cold, ice beginning to climb fingertips. 

"Please don't ruin my car, It was imported by a dealer that specifically makes toxin free vehicles."

Elwyn raised her chin and flipped her hair out of her face. 

"I'm not, although its tempting." She said pushing past him and grabbing the door to close it. 

Evander stopped her, holding the door in place. He waited until she let go and then gently shut her inside. 

The ice in her hands melted, dripping onto her lap as Evander came to the other side of the car, locking the both of them into the vehicle. 
"I forgot to mention, this car stifles your magic, inside you can't use any of your powers." 

Elwyn gaped at Evander as he shifted the car into Drive, turning on the heater for her thawing hands. 

Elwyn clenched her fist together and realized to her dismay that she had left the sword against the castle. She watched as they pulled out of the garage and the pack and sword lay exactly where she left it. The car gently picked up speed, heading down the forgotten road, straight for who knew where.

As they drove down the mountain's winding roads and through the middle of the divide between the wings of Evander's kingdom, Elwyn realized just how big and never-ending the kingdom was.  Her body felt empty and odd without the magic flowing through her. She had become so used to the feeling of power, she felt like she was missing a valuable piece of armor. Although, it also was more relieving than she liked to admit. She missed relying on what she trained for and endured years of blood, sweat and tears for. 

"Why am I in a vehicle where I can't use my powers? You do know I can still choke you." She bit out abruptly. 

A small grin pulled at Evanders lips. 

"Because you can't control yourself and you need to make it to the fairies before you do something stupid."

Elwyn ground her teeth, considering using the small blade in her boot to stab into his throat. He wouldn't die but it would be satisfying. However, a small part of her, attached to the bond disagreed. 

She needed to make sure her sister was okay. She had been raised to protect her and she knew Roman well enough from when her sister was betrothed to him. He would kill to keep her, he would use his wits and keen attention to have Avelina, even if it meant he had to kill her to keep her. Elwyn would not let that happen. 

Elwyn clenched her fist together and sucked in a breath, calming her racing heart that she knew Evander could hear. She would just have to make sure that she played this game well enough to get to Avelina. Roman and Aldric Kane was a recipe for death. A sure death to all who stood in the way, especially someone as prize worthy as Avelina Greywater, crown princess and heir to the throne of Goldmoon.

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