Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty One- Another Kingdom

Avelina Greywater awoke with a stiff body. Her mouth was too dry to speak and it took ages to open her eyes to the blinding light before her. Avelinas head pounded as she sat up in an extravagant bed of white. The entire room was the color of white angel  feathers. 

The heir was dressed in a white dress to match the setting, doors flung open on either side of the bed, letting in flutters of cool wind. Avelina blinked at her surroundings, nothing but the bed, a white vanity and a door to which she assumed was the washroom. 

Avelina pulled the blanket back and placed her feet onto the cool colorless floor. She snatched the pitcher off the small nightstand and guzzled it down, ignoring the cup beside it. She gasped for air as she finished, setting it down and walking towards the mirror. Her attention was drawn away from what laid outside the doors. 

Her appearance stared back at her, skin stark white, undereyes indented and grey. She touched her cheek, her eyes trailing over her dramatically thin body, every bone jutted out, her red hair was dull. 

Avelinas hands shook and she grasped them together in an effort to stop it. 

The heir looked away quickly and to the twin doorways behind her. On either side of the bed, were two doors, white translucent curtains fluttering in the breeze. 

Outside, there was a courtyard with many other buildings, all similarly a light peach color, grandly made into mini palace's. There were doors etched with elvin writing, windows that were held open by red ribbon. 

Avelina would have guessed it was the the Elven kingdom, ElMoore but she was certain when she saw the crowned prince himself. 

He was walking with Markarious Venice, Gabrielle and two other advisors.  Avelina felt her face turn scarlet as the princes eyes laid on hers. THe heir gasped and flung herself behind the wall. 

She heard them continue walking towards her, the prince excusing his advisors. 

Avelinas heart pounded in her chest. She had never, not once in her life looked so unflattering before a fellow royal. 

The heir listened as his footsteps stopped just outside the door, she could see his shadow as he tucked his hands behind his back. "I am sure you are rather confused. Your friends brought you here when you were on the brink of death. "

Avelina peered slightly from behind the wall at the prince. He was facing away from her, talking to the open air. "Don't worry, I have manners, Princess Avelina." 

The girl swallowed harshly and nodded before realizing he could not see her do this. "Thank you, Prince Roman."

Avelina watched the corner of his lips curve. "So, you do remember me then, princess."

"Yes, of course. I remember all who come through my kingdom."

The prince nodded. "As we heirs are taught." He replied. 

"A maid will fetch you clothing and we will see you in the study within the hour."

Avelina nodded again. "Thank you."

Prince Roman dipped his head, brown curls falling into his eyes. "It's my pleasure, your highness."

"Good day to you, Prince Roman." Avelina said. 

"And to you, Princess Avelina."

Avelina blushed at his words and placed herself flush against the wall, until he left. 

Before he did, he stopped, his boots halting, his evergreen cape, brushing against the steps. "You are  still very beautiful, Avelina." 

Avelinas face turned even more crimson than she thought possible as he finally departed. 


The heir to the Goldmoon throne was ready within the hour as predicted. A maid had come in only seconds after her encounter. She was bathed and scrubbed, dried with magic and now sported an extravagant evergreen dress, the same shade as Prince Romans cape and tunic. 

Avelina ground her teeth together, standing up taller, eyeing herself before the maid took her to see him and the others. 

The heirs dress hugged her hips and flowed gently down to ankles. A customary elvish rope was tied around her waist, gold, in respects to her own kingdom. Her hair laid in a loose braid over her shoulder, waves escaping the front. The maid had dusted something that was glittery and gold, making her seem less sickly.

Avelina shifted her weight in the soft padded slippers she had been given and swallowed. 

"Excuse me but how long have I been out?" She asked the woman who had dressed her. The Elven woman turned, her skin the color of midnight sparkled, her silver eyes blinking as she smiled gently. She laid a hand on Avelina as if to steady her. "Your highness has been resting for a week come tomorrow."

Avelinas jaw dropped and the woman placed a hand under her jaw, closing it."That is not flattering to your face, my lady."

The heir had a mind to snap at her but instead gave her a dissaproving look. "Do not put your hands on me like that."

The woman took a step back, opening and closing her own mouth like a fish. "It's not flattering to your face either." She bristled before walking out the door, leaving her maid flabbergasted. 


Avelina should have asked for directions but so caught up in her comment, she left without any sense of direction. 

The heir walked through the open hallways, all giving access to the nature that lay beyond the walls. The hallway windows and doors were flung open letting in the cool autumn breeze and Avelina found herself grateful for the long sleeves she wore. 

The sound of her soft footsteps were barely audible as she searched for her companions. 

"Do you need help with anything, my lady?" 

Avelinas shoulders tightened and she turned to the woman who had addressed her. She was an elf, no older than her with brown ringlets that reached her shoulders. She wore a deep grey dress with a dark green rope tied at her waist, a small gold band lining her head. 

"I am Princess Ordella but you can call me Della." The woman said extending her olive hand towards Avelina. 

Avelina took her hand and gently shook it, appalled by the gesture. Most royals only allowed curtsying or bowing to one another. 

The girl smiled, her lush lips blooming like a flower. 

"let me show you where they are waiting." She said. 

Avelina nodded, placing her hands delicately in front of her as she followed Ordella through the winding halls, away from the garden that she had been standing in. 

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