Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty One- Possessions

Elwyn sat in her new bedroom taking in the view. In the process of looking over the black dressers and glittering gold mirror, she paused at her reflection.

She had to admit that she did love the dress but her face was another story. Her eyes had deep bags under them and her body was already thinning out. There was a few cuts and scrapes on her face that were still healing and she could still very much feel the gunshot wound.

Elwyn clenched her fist tightly as she watched her expression wane into a hard stare.

She had to come up with a plan. The kingdom was likely in shambles and a rebellion was very possible. She wanted to know if her parents and sister were alright and she wanted to go home. For a heart aching moment, she wondered if they would ever come looking for her. She was not yet ready to face the answer to that.

Elwyn tried to carefully tug at the dress but she only found herself hissing in pain. The dress's ribbons had been tied to tight and every pull at the knot had her wound tugging as well.

Elwyn took to looking around the room, she swept pass the satin ruby sheets, dug through the nearly empty night stand, looked in the bathroom and finally in annoyance opened the door to the common area.

Her steps were abruptly halted as she found Evander on the cushioned couch. The fire place crackled in the silence and a woman with blonde hair and pink lips ran her hands down his shoulders.

Evanders eyes were closed, his head leaning back against the couch, the woman's delicate, painted fingers sketching out the crevices of his neck and jaw. The girl looked up at her with heavy lashes and gave her a menacing smile. Her eyes were golden, fang flashing as she smiled. She wore a thin ash colored dress and didn't take her eyes off of Elwyn as she continued her sensual actions.

Elwyn shut the door nearly as quickly as she had opened it. Her plans to retrieve something sharp to slice this beast of a dress off was not working.

Elwyn wanted to take the damned thing from her skin and with no sharp object in view, she opened the balcony.

She stepped towards the ledge, taking in a large gulp of frigid air before she decided her idea was borderline insane.

As she turned back into her room, she yelped as she ran into the tanned and oiled chest of Evander. She swiped her face, embarrassment flooding her face.


"The dress is bothering you." Evander stated simply.

Elwyns face grew red and hot. She nodded meekly and gasped as he grabbed the waist of her dress and swung her around.

She held onto the ledge as he ripped the black ribbon from her back.

A sigh of relief left her and as the air changed so did the king.

Elwyn turned in time to see him open her door again.

He looked at her with something unreadable that had her curling her toes in anticipation.

"Next time you need help, just ask."

Elwyn swallowed harshly and the king left her, back exposed to the cold wind.


Elwyn wasn't sure what she could do to help her situation. She knew that she needed to stretch her muscles and she missed the feeling of a sword in her hands.

Despite her wounds, she still craved the adrenaline rush that practice gave her. Elwyn had washed and rebandaged herself, staring at the circular wound on her stomach. It still bled some but as always she ignored the problem. The warrior slipped into leggings and a loose fitted black shirt that she found before looking for shoes. To her dismay, there was only the golden heels she had thrown on the floor, beside the heap of her dress.

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