Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve- Bargins

Elwyn felt the edges of her vision dotted black. Dane held tightly to her arm, guiding her to the palace. Aldric and his men walked ahead slowly, taking in the surroundings, as if Avelina was not bleeding all over Opal.

Elwyn had tried several times to rip away from Dane and help Opal hold up her sister, but her attempts were futile.

"Can you walk any faster, shes bleeding out."

A burly man beside Aldric laughed, dark eyes cutting to look at her condesecningly. He had previously been the one dragging her through the portal until Dane took his place.

"She'll heal." Aldric said not turning as he continued. "You won't." Elwyn tensed at his words and she swore she felt Danes hand tighten around her arm.

Avelina shook her head, panting. "I'll be fine." She assured. Elwyn looked at the blood that began to clot and heal itself. She had been told how painful that was for her father when it happened to him before either of them was born.

"I could have had it cut clean off, then it wouldn't have healed." Aldric said turning and flashing Elwyn a wicked smile.

The girl was angry, she wished she could hurt him, she wished to kill him. But, he was right. She was human and no match for any of the man dogs here.

Elwyn decided in that moment that it did not matter if she was or not. She would fight them until her heart stopped and she was dead.

Dane seemed to realize her idea and pulled her close enough, that she could smell the metallic scent of his blood. "Don't." He warned.

"Ill kill you one of these days." She hissed at him. Dane only frowned at her comment.

As they continued to make their way through the forest, it was not until the castle came into full few that Elwyn felt her heart turn to ice.

It was smoking, glass spewed across the earth, guards, servants and civilans dead as far as the eye could see. Elwyn and Avelina exchanged horrified looks. Avelinas eyes were brimmed with tears, Elwyn however stared blankly at one familar body, blue hair dull stark against the burned earth. Elwyn lurched forward fighting against Danes strong arms, again uselessly.

"I'm sorry." He said softly dragging her towards the back entrance of the palace. Elwyn wanted to tell him that he wasn't really sorry. But she didn't. Her attention was drawn to the sounds of nothingness. All she could hear was the broken glass beneath their feet, and the crackling of fire in the distance. There were no screams and that terrified her more than the thought of hearing them.

"What did you do?" Elwyn breathed. Aldric did not respond to her question, leading them through the hallways towards the throne room. There was red everywhere. The golden palace was dripping crimson. There were servants and guards bodies everywhere. Elwyn had to step over them, their expressions of horror etched into their faces. Some looked mauled by feral animals, others had gunshot wounds or blades that had sliced through their hearts. Elwyn felt a sob bubble up in her throat but it was not her who cried but Avelina.

"Oh, creator above." she gasped, Opal dragging her away.

The warriors face stayed harsh and emotionless, a solider who was not seeing this for the first time.

"Why!" Elwyn cried.

Aldric again ignored her and Avelina. By the time they reached the throne room, Elwyn was sure she would throw up.

The throne room, unlike the halls and city that smelled of death and fire was pristine. The long walkway to the Golden set of thrones was unmarred. The thrones themselves shone like they had been freshly polished. Elwyn froze as a scream erupted from outside before it was cut off with a gurgling noise.

Outside the massive windows were rows of servants lined up for the slaughter. They were being slain by shadow humans. Their throats were being cut with black. It was nearly impossible to see in the twilight, but it was there, shadows dancing beneath fingertips and sliceing flesh.

Elwyn turned to find Aldric lounging on her fathers throne. Her eyes were wide, her teeth felt like they would break with how tightly she grit them. "You're working with the shadow humans."

Aldric laughed at her, throwing his head back, his hair bouncing in a boyish way. His cool calculated eyes snapped to her, any sort of laughter gone. "No, Elwyn. I am not a fool."

Elwyn waited for him to continue but Avelina spoke next. "Then why are they here?" She asked heartbrokenly.

Elwyn looked to her sister whos eyes contained utter despair at what had happened to her kingdom.

"They wanted to find the missing piece of their puzzle. I wanted to find mine." Aldrics eyes slid to Avelina with a suggestive smile. Opal growled at him. "If you touch her-." She began but Aldric cut her off.

"If you do anything, I will kill her sister."

Everyones gaze fell on Avelina who prayed her expression did not betray her fear. She smiled, raising her chin. "Go ahead." She challenged.

Aldric raised a curious eyebrow at her before continuing his speech that had silenced Opal.

"The shadow people have their own agenda. I am here on behalf of my brother, King Evander Hale. He needs a queen and I want more power. The shadow people will continue to slaughter and kill each and every one of the people in your kingdom until, you; Avelina Greywater agree to come with me to the wolf kingdom."

"She isn't going anywhere." Elwyn growled.

"Over my dead body." Opal said drawing her blade and letting Avelina hold herself before she gently crumpled into a heap on the floor.

"Does Evander know what you're doing?" Dane questioned. Aldric turned sharply to Dane with a wicked look that silenced him. In that moment Elwyn wondered if he did.

"Why me?" Avelina asked, her large eyes meeting Aldric with an intense look of self hate.

"Because you are the second strongest kingdom, aside from ours and with your father being the leader of the light fallen; it would make one of the strongest alliances."

"Take me instead." Elwyn interjected. Opal looked at her with pity while Avelina looked between her and Aldric with a look of distraughtness. "No." she snapped.

"You don't have anything to offer." Aldric said, his lips turned dowards in disgust. However, his eyes drank in her full hips, and muscled physice. "No." he echoed Avelina.

"Wait, I still have my fathers bloodline. I would produce strong offspring." Elwyn nearly hurled at the word offspring rolling off her tongue.

"Who would you have an alliance with if you have no one on the throne? Without Avelina staying here to keep Goldmoon up and running your alliance would be nothing but a war between kingdoms." Elwyn argued, hoping the cruel prince would see her reasoning.

Aldric stood from her fathers throne and walked towards her with slow step. He cocked his head to the side examining her. His eyes landed on the diamond bracelet she wore.

"Fine. But you owe me." He flashed his pearly whites at her.

Without so much of a word the shadow people left, leaving broken civilians and servants;covering in pain and confusion. Some had their hands bound, some ran and some just watched as they walked away.

Elwyn watched Aldric.
He looked past her towards the grand entrance.

There was a beat of silence and then the air licked with power.

The doors were thrust open and her parents in all of their glory stormed inside. They must have been protecting the city while the sisters  had been away.
The girls parents were both drenched in sweat and blood, yet somehow they still shone with regality and power.

Hope raised her sword and put her hand forward in warning. Ashered had his wings tucked behind himself, sword blazing with magical fire.
"Ah-ah." Aldric grinned. Dane held a blade to Elwyns throat as Aldric cocked a gun against the back of Avelinas skull.

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