Chapter Forty Eight

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Chapter Forty Eight- To See A Kingdom

Elwyn slammed her door shut before Markarious could say anymore. Her fists curled into her palms, biting the sensitive skin. She let out a frustrated noise and shoved her palms into her eyes. She willed the tears to stop as they pushed against her eyes. 

"Elwyn?" The girl stiffened at the sound of her name, remembering who waited for her. 

Elwyn rubbed her hands on her pants and schooled her expression into cool indifference. She cleared her throat and turned. 

Marlowe stood awkwardly in the common area between her and Evander's room. His door was firmly shut. Marlowe smiled sheepishly, adjusting the bundle of fabric that overflowed from her hands. There were dresses strewn about, from the couches to the coffee table between. 

"Evander moved rooms." She answered as Elwyn eyed the door. 

Elwyn's eyes widened in surprise and then softened into a neutral expression. Her lips tilted down. "Oh." Was all she could think to say. 

"Your room hasn't been redone yet but Evander's room is still free. Well- its yours now." Marlowe said, her cheeks tinting pink as she stumbled over her words. 

Elwyn just gave her a sorry attempt at a smile as she studied the dresses. 


Elwyn tracked Marlowe's movements as she flew from one side of the room. "Oh, and this red one would look so-oh or the purple-." Marlowe's voice trailed off as Elwyn zeroed in her focus to the dark fallen across the room. 

She was across the room, arms folded across her chest watching Marlowe with a bored expression. 

Marlowe's bright blond hair fluttered as she turned her attention to Elwyn. She beamed an infectious and bright smile to the warrior. 

Elwyn didn't return the gesture. She only frowned at the array of dresses that were pushed into her arms. 

"I already have a dress picked out." Elwyn sighed, dropping the pile atop the couch. A few of the dresses slid to the floor in response to all the weight. 

Elwyn ran a hand through her auburn hair. 

Marlowe pouted, lips tugging down, eyebrows furrowing. "And what is it?"

Elwyn swept her gaze over the dresses and picked out a muted black dress with lace trim sleeves. 

Marlow's face dropped. "I didn't mean to bring that one, its a mourning dress." 

Elwyn's cheeks reddened and she cleared her throat, setting the gown back where she found it. 

Gabrielle stalked over from where she had been leaning against the wall. She, herself wore  leather pants and a marron tunic untucked. Her boots quieted as she stepped onto the rug and reached for the dresses. 

"This one is quite nice, don't you think Marlowe?" 

The girl looked up from where she stared blankly at the dark fabric. "Huh-yes, yes it does." She said, a little bit of the light returning to her pale face. 

Elwyn closed her eyes and silently thanked Gabrielle. She didn't smile but gingerly handed the silk gown to Marlowe. 

It was simple and had a bit more life than the mourning gown. Comfortable enough for Elwyn to wear without wanting to rip it to shreds. 

Half an hour later, Elwyn found herself staring at the common areas mirror. She ran her hands over the smooth silk dress. It was ruby red, shinning in the heat of the fire they had lit. Her face reflected back at her in the black rimmed mirror. 

The dress she wore had a circular neck that dipped down enough to show off the definition of her collar bones. Long sleeves trailed her arms, fabric shaping her body without clinging to skin. 

Elwyn turned, seeing the arch of her back as the fabric dipped down to the base of her spine, leaving only empty skin in its wake. 

Elwyn's lips pressed at the peppered scars she saw and swiped her long hair behind her shoulder. 

The tension in her shoulders lessened some as the marred flesh was covered. 

Elwyn smoothed the stray pieces that the pearl clips had not pinned back and sighed. 

Marlowe was practically dancing with excitement. "You look so pretty. 

Elwyn turned to Marlowe and Gabrielle, the latter picking at her manicured nails. 

"I think its too much. I like my pants." She frowned. 

Marlowe rolled her eyes and handed her a leather holster. Elwyn smiled at Marlowe, understanding passing between them as she took the holster and buckled it to her thigh. 

She smoothed the fabric, hiding the silver dagger and its placeholder. "Thank you." 

Marlowe shrugged. "I like dressing people up." She admitted. 

Elwyn rolled her eyes. "Really, I never would have guessed."

Marlowe playfully swatted her arm in response. 


Elwyn sat at the base of the steps that faced the city. The stairs, like the rest of the castle were black and shinning. The evening had come upon the castle quicker than expected. The golden glow of the sun bathed Elwyn's dress in shinning hues of red, her pale skin, illuminated beneath the soon to be slumbering light. 

Elwyn closed her eyes and breathed in the warmth and opened them again to trace the layout of the lands with her gaze. 

Beyond the black steps was a long winding road, dutifully labeled, 'The Road To Nowhere.' Elwyn found herself rolling her eyes at the irony.

The road winded down the mountains and separated in four different directions. From what Elwyn had seen on a map spread across the library table, the roads led to different portions of Evander's territory. The largest territory in The Unknown World. The one road that  began at The Wolf Kingdom, meandering through each territory before it landed in the Elvin kingdom at a supposed dead end. 

Each road wound through trees of various colors and shades. Autumn hues dominated the leaves and hid the territories beyond the mountain. From Right to left was: Market Town, The District, Primal City and Prison Town. 

Elwyn had not learned all of what the cities held, had never traveled further than the castle. 

Her musing was interrupted as she felt the presence of the king. She did not stop her studying as he walked down the steps and paused a foot behind her. "Its beautiful." She found herself saying. 

Elwyn looked up to the wolf king, the sun basking over their faces, bringing warmth and color into both their eyes. Evander's eyes, the color of ocean night storms met hers, a warm sunset.

Elwyn furrowed her brows, blinking at his stare. As if caught in a daze, he mirrored her actions and turned back to the horizon. 

"Are you ready to see the kingdom?" He asked. 

Elwyn followed his gaze to the tree line. This kingdom that reminded her of her own but not. That was both light and dark. Sunset and night, golden and midnight. 

Elwyn looked up at the king, allowing herself to take his extended hand. His touch sent fireflies fluttering in her stomach, firecrackers bursting within her chest. Elwyn pulled her hand away as quickly as she stood and swallowed loudly. 

"Lets see it." She said with a voice that came out more grated than intended. The kings dark eyes slid over her, all sharp bone, dark eyes and thick knitted brows. 

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