Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine- A Woman Of Fae

Elwyn sat in the car for hours before Evander pulled down a dark road that lit a small cream colored Inn.  After passing through the edge of the territory of the wolf kingdom, they were now in the land of the fae. She had devised a plan of escape and hoped this cottage would help. 

Elwyn frowned as they turned down the dirt road and pulled up to the small cottage. The building was quaint, two stories, fireflies whistling past the windows. The lights cast a yellow hew over the driveway as if they were being expected. The door opened and a fae woman walked onto the porch. She wore a long burgundy silk dress, it pooled around her ankles, leaving the tips of her toes peeking out from beneath the fabric. 

She had almond shaped eyes that blinked and beckoned them forward. The woman stepped aside from the doorway, gesturing to the cottage. Elwyn blinked up at the woman, she hadn't seen many fae in her lifetime, confined to the training grounds at Goldmoon. She looked unearthly.

Her frame was long and slender, reaching near Evanders towering height. Evander turned in his seat to face Elwyn with a pointed look. 

"This is Kiandra, she is welcoming us into her home until we leave for The Abandoned Kingdom. When you get out of this car, your magic will come back so try not to destroy anything." 

Elwyn scrunched her nose in annoyance at the dark king. "Now you trust me to get out of your car? I thought I was unpredictable and dangerous." She snapped. 

Evander didn't drop his gaze from hers as he spoke. "You are but Kiandra isn't."

Elwyn pursed her lips not sure how to respond to his statement. He pressed the unlock button, exiting the vehicle, walking towards the fae woman without waiting. 

The warrior pushed open the door and nearly toppled over at the rush of power that flooded into her. She sucked in deep breaths, not yet used to the coming and going of such a force. 

Elwyn shut the door harder than necessary and turned her attention to Evander and the fae woman. They both stared at her with careful consideration. 

Elwyn rolled her shoulders back and walked towards the two. She tried to distract herself from the itching of her powers desire to be released. She fisted her hands into her underarms, taking in the details of her surroundings. Sticks snapped roughly under heavy steps. 

Elwyn took the time, despite dusk having settled in to look at the beauty of the home. The windows were opened wide to the air that had chilled upon her arrival. 

Roses swept across the railing and the woman leaned her head to the side to watch Elwyns entrance. 

Each step grew heavier and Elwyn looked down at her shoes, finding prickly roses crawling up her boots. 

Panic filled her and the woman took a graceful stride to where she stood. Kiandra's brown knee length hair, swayed as she stopped inches from Elwyns face. 

The girl yanked at her feet, icicles beginning to form at her hands as she untucked them. 

Her fire eating away at the thorny flowers. Evander watched leaned against the pillar of the porch. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Elwyn snarled, taking a rough step out of the thorned jail she had been captured in. 

The woman smiled gently, reaching a hand in an attempt to brush her slender fingers across Elwyns cheek. 

The princess jerked back, ripping her other foot loose from its hold. 

"Its alright child. You are safe here." Elwyn stared puzzled at the woman as she took another step forward, attempting again to brush the princesses face. 

"Don't touch me." Elwyn quipped, snatching the woman's hand in her own. 

As soon as her hand met the woman's wrist, a diamond bracelet clamped onto her. 

Elwyn gaped at the jewel, looking between Evander and Kiandra. She stepped back feeling the power wink out of her. Her legs began to ache, losing the healing over minor things that she had yet to notice. Her shoulders sagged and Elwyn pulled aggressively onto the bracelet, even taking to biting down onto the diamonds. Nothing happened. 

Elwyns eyes were wide as she looked frantically between the two. Her gaze landed on Evanders with betrayal. He didn't look away, the only indication of his emotion, a tightness in his jaw. 

"It had to be done, Elwyn. You can't control your powers. You are dangerous to yourself and others until you can handle this."

"And what of Avelina? Do you expect me to not go after her, simply because I don't have powers?" Elwyn snarled. "I was brought here without magic and I can get her without the extra help."

Evander sighed, shaking his head as Kiandra watched on cursiously. "You were trained to defend but you still lack years of experience. I could easily knock you onto your feet with or without your powers, Elwyn. You need to control yourself."

Elwyn scoffed, stepping further away from both of them. 

"How do you even have an exact replica of this?" Elwyn asked acussingly to the fae woman standing a few feet from her. "I made two."

Elwyn paused blinking at the woman. She didn't look a day past thirty but then again she wasn't human. "You made this?"

Kiandra nodded. 

"I have lived long enough to know how the magic of The Unknown World Works." She said ominously. 

"You know my mother?" Elwyn asked. 

The woman looked off for a moment. "Once, she called to me when you were born."  

Elwyn furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Why?" 

"Because you were born with a power that radiated throughout our world and every evil came out of the shadows to find the source."

Elwyn clenched her jaw shut a flurry of emotions filling her. 

"If you work with her, she has agreed to tell you the truth behind who you are."

Elwyn snapped her attention to Evander at his comment. "You know?" 

Evander smiled sadly at her. "It is not my place to tell you."

Elwyn furrowed her eyebrows in irritation, her muscles tightening. 

"No, I don't care, I am going after Avelina. This was my job that I was raised for and that's all that matters."

Elwyn turned in an attempt to leave but vines of pink roses had already rooted her in place. 

The princess turned back to face the culprit but a swarm of the fireflies came to her. Elwyn gasped and hissed as something bit into her neck. 

Trying desperately to fight them away, she barely recognized as her body began to go limp. Exhaustion had overflowed into her and soon enough Evander was easing her limp body into his arms. 

Her speech slurred and she weakly hit a hand against his chest. "I will never forgive you if you leave me here." She said, although she wasn't sure if he could understand her. 

The king looked at her with a disheartened expression and closed his eyes softly before opening them again. "I know." He whispered as she drifted into unconsciousness. 

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