Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five- Returned Villains

Avelina Greywater walked into the grand study that her companions and the prince sat in.

The walls were opaque, shimmering  from the golden chandelier. There was a round, oak table in the middle of the room. The seats were taller than her, with padded moss colored fabric.

The heir walked through the only room that seemed closed off from the nature surrounding it. There were no windows but rows of books and shelves that lined every inch of the wall.

"I found the princess while admiring my tulips." Ordella said, smiling gently to Avelina before sitting beside her brother.

Avelinas eyes swept over the table. There was a tall, smug faced elf sitting two chairs away from Roman. He stood as straight as an arrow, white hair pulled back to highlight his jeweled pointed ears. His dusk colored eyes snapped to her with a cool calculated expression.

The woman beside him didn't seem as rude but still she bore no look of kindness. She had black hair with two long silver streaks framing her triangle jaw. Her gaze flitted to Avelina and stayed unwavering.

The heir diverted attention immediately, still feeling her gaze. It was as if she was trying to read her. Avelina knew the elves had powers that no one other than their kind could describe. She had felt the power they had and it was ancient and fear inducing.

Markarious and Gabriella sat at the other end of the round table. Gabriella had her feet propped up on the table, her boots swaying across the polished wood. The fallen picked at her nails with disinterest, ignoring the looks of disapproval she was given.

Even Avelina disapproved. Markious, sat on the edge of his chair beside her. He looked at her with anticipation, his eyes sweeping over her, assessing every inch of the dress. His attention turned to Prince Roman as he pulled out a chair and gestured to it.
Avelina hesitated, a moment that Markarious did not miss.

"I am going to have to insist that Avelina sit with us." Markarious said, gesturing to himself and Gabrielle.

Prince Roman raised a manicured brow and smiled. "Oh?"
"She is under my protection as orders of her father, the king of Goldmoon."
Avelina widened her eyes at Markarious, shaking her head at him.

Now was not the time to do a power play. They were in Prince Romans home, under his jurisdiction. Avelina knew better than to believe he was a kind Prince, although that was what she was always told. She had also heard other rumors, darker but not nearly as sinister as the ones about Evander Kane.

Avelina remembered from her lessons to never agitate someone from a position of power, not while you were under their care.

"It's okay, Sir Venice. I assure you no harm will come to the princess." Roman said, waving his hand for the chair beside him to be pulled out for her.
Avelina straightened plastering a smile on her face. "You're so kind Prince Roman." Avelina said sitting in the chair beside him.

Prince Roman looked at Avelina for a long moment. The heir struggled not to squirm beneath his gaze and she could feel the tension of her childhood friend across the table.

"It's actually King Roman."

Avelina balked at the king before regaling her composure. "My apologizes-I."

Roman waved a hand at her dismissively. "My father died a few years ago. Shortly after our courtship ended."

Markarious bristled and Avelina felt her throat grow dry. "I'm so deeply sorry." She said, reaching out a hand for the new king. She rested her hand on top of his and he brushed his thumbs across the back of her hand. "Thank you, my darling."
A growl sound from across the table and Avelina snapped her gaze to Markarious. He seemed alright, perhaps the sound was in her head.

"Markarious." A voice quipped. Through the open door, Callum stood with a stern warning on his face. "I'm going to get air, fill me in when I get back." He said addressing both Callum and Gabrielle before abruptly leaving.

Avelina watched as he left, glancing back to the seat Markarious had sat in. Gabrielle nonchalantly moved her feet over, covering the clawed table that Avelina nearly missed.

Chills ran down her spine, her mind spinning as she thought of Markarious. He had looked ready to murder when Roman spoke.

"Now, let's discuss what brings you to my kingdom. Aside from my darling here nearly dying." Roman said this with a bite to his tone as Callum walked to stand behind Gabrielle.
"We are looking to retrieve Princess Elwyn, she has been kidnapped by King Evander Kane and his brother Aldric Kane."

Prince Roman lounged back into his chair, admiring his jeweled fingers. "Kidnapped is a strong word, don't you think, Avelina?" He asked, his eyes cutting to hers with a sharpness that felt like it truly sliced into her. 

Avelina leaned back on instinct, the feathers on her wings sticking up from inside her dress. 


"It is a strong word." A voice cut from the hallway. 

Avelinas attention snapped to Aldric Kane staring at her with a wicked smile strung across his face. His blonde hair was longer falling into his blue eyes. He leaned against the doorframe in all black with a cloak, his boots had bits of mud on the ends as if he had been trekking through the woods to get here. 

Avelina shot to her feet. "I'll kill you."

As she stood a wave of power wrapped around her and pulled her back into her seat. "Words, my darling." Prince Roman chastised, sighing and waving dismissively at her, addressing Aldric. 

"Come sit, my friend." Roman said directing Aldric to Markarious's vacant seat. 

"You tried to murder my sister." Avelina said fighting against the restraint of magic. She glanced down as her arms were bolted by black shadow to the seat. "Avelina I do not want to hurt you so be still and be quiet." Prince Roman snapped. 

Avelina pressed her lips shut, fear coursing through her. The black around her wrists was shadows, shadow magic like the shadow people, only somehow Roman seemed like he was still intact, not a walking shadow. 

Her best bet was to listen so she did. 

"It has been to long my friend, what brings you to my kingdom. Our agreement is not in place until I marry." A glance her way from Prince Roman had ice cold terror fill her. She wasn't sure whether her fear drew him in but soon enough Markarious Venice was in the room. He was bristling with ice cold rage. "Let her go." He growled harshly to Prince Roman. 

The prince smiled viciously and met the eyes of Aldric who returned the expression. 

"Stand down, General." Aldric bristled and turned robotically toward Aldric. "Your majesty." He said bitterly as he fought control. Aldric smiled darkly as he dropped harshly to his knees and grit his teeth, he latched onto the table, nails digging into the maple wood. "Sir, please." He begged. 

Avelina felt her skin grow cold. She had never not once in her life heard Markarious beg for anything and now, he was begging for her freedom. 

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