𝖎⁘admirer- Ariana Greenblatt ʳ

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my second request!!! thank you, thank you, thank youu ʃ♡♡ƪ (@fhsiuehunfyfstg)

889 words


You picked up as much as a fly in the literal staircases filled with her admirers. 

Given in high school, connections to the girl who held your thoughts for years faltered especially when just looking into her eyes even from feet ahead or lengths behind took you on a ride to self-conscience, causing your remaining in the shadows who gave hopeless takes at her.

Conscious that she was into girls ruled out at least fifty percent of your school's four hundred and thirty students. Ariana took only two classes with you Film and Technical Art and occasional food classes. You swooned over her eyes concentrated furrows when the class took session. She had a true passion for the roles she were given and rightfully so. Her arrival to classes were noted in your journal approximated to be fifteen minutes before anyone else thought to fill the bare chairs. 

Your face took up small wrinkles as you time her exaggerations for her performance, you stalked her practices through the design-carved window of the drama room. As exercised, she resided alone. Pulling your reddened lip between your teeth, you pondered if to muster your move on the girl that drove everyone's car off her brown hair tracks. The time around your wrist hasted closer to a soon crowding classroom.

You weren't done up like others on her dream boat, not the quarterbacks and definitely not the girls who strewn new definitions to the subjective topic that is 'perfection', but maybe that'll one up on your side for once. If she already didn't give time to the rising suns of the school what was there to lose on your part? 

Five minutes. You sucked in the small air bubble surrounding your head in a daze, exhaling the self-loathing. You favored her acon-toned eyes, an almost light when you plunged the handle of the door to squeal the oak door, now having broken apart from her acting to the solo vocal aspect. 

"Y/l/n" was all she spoke, lips instantaneously pressed and fingers holding a pick to a guitar made with more bulge than her slim frame. You stuttered your blinks to her clear but gentle suede of your surname, you had no recollection of it to her knowledge. "You there" she spoke again, backside remaining turned to your view. "Uh.. yeah," you picked at your fingers. "I don't bite, there's a seat right here" the guitar tunes verbated louder as you shuffled to her side, sitting.

Her head rose, skin cloudless but realistic in texture, eyebrows furrowed and thick seeming recently trimmed of, if any, split edges. "How come your this early?" her eyes held a questioning, stringing along mumbles of assumed character lyrics "I wasn't.. uh.. gonna come in since I know you.. use this time to practice and.. stuff" dialogue to send your teacher senile. "Your no bother and actually, you can be of aid to me" You perked up, knowing you got a minor character, her part supplying the majority, accompanying the singing role. "Just refrain from the stuttering" the guitar sitting next to her, a giggle stringing from her to coat any possibility of intended offense.

Your child-like frame embodied the ice finally melting, earning a small laugh you denied having to give. "You make me nervous" eyes dropping at every engrain on the instrument, floor anything. The papers shuffling between her hands to find the part she wanted mimicking a gambler's dream dealer. 

"I know".

She said finally finding the sheet, eyes assembling to yours in a short examine, you remained wordless. Her calmness ironic to the stampede straining in you, finding pacify in your lip. "rest that lip y/n, and talk to me" assertively studying you. "Well.. I think, you, Ariana.. urm you're really pretty" hushed out. "Thinking I'm pretty isn't gonna shift from all of my other ass kissers out there" she humored but willing you re-try, sitting feminized man spread but earthing a controlled air, not hitting the guitar of any occupances on the conjoined desks. Your face graining an embarrassment, "Dont falter y/n" she started "I wanna take you out, just prove to me I'm not gonna be dating the rest of them through you" The air poked your nerves but her voice settled the beast claw by claw. 

One minute.

Your bag zipper spread open as you searched for it under her gaze. In art you found yourself taking every topic to contort her inspired gifts and so you birth many projects including an origami flower. A simple white orchid flattened by books but keeping up the idea, you chucked it out to her. "I made this in art class" You fingered the patterns of your bag but were alive to her analyzing. 

Her smile stepped up slowly to hold the genuinity of a mother and eyes growing further mind to your gesture. "You're accurate from your stalking," the flower found a home in her fitted school shirt pocket, crumpled head, and yellow bud out to any inquisitive eye. You envied her made up smile as if you didn't cause it.

"Friday, Milian's cafe, 6 pm." she decorated your smile with her baby stare soft and wondering if you agreed.

 "6 pm." 

You won from the crowd. You regretted nothing for this extroverted leap other than not participating earlier.

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