𝖎⁘ sixteen- Anne Hathaway

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trigger warning: abuse, cigarette/ underage smoking, illegally wide age gap, no smut

1,054 words


She'd drink into a sleep that would leave your lunch burning pass the safety renewed for a child's health.

That's what you deserved it seemed from the nine months spent eating what little food she consumed but drowning in her with her blood flow around you becoming thin with liqueur that burnt your unbecoming flesh.

When you finally departed, she took the swollen she endured during the trimesters, exhibiting your small mind and body to weapons of all sort around the expansive house.

Your skin had irregularities inflicted far after you were birth.

She had gone to whatever work she claimed. You skin fought against the losing ointments. It appeared to need natural base remedies.

You left it to the vitamin capsules of sun and mild breeze that was all available to you.

Sitting on a blanket with a leash, you would've given this life to have a choice to take freedom for granted  like the families you see, all sat during the day on stomach's to the uneven green threads or a their backs to the stone masseuse that took a jaundice light in the day.

The heat all but burned when attempted by you through the cotton of a grey sweatshirt and lengthening pants that fell light on your bruises.

You simply radiated and took the steam on the plump patches sat on a picnic blanket.

The vines and nature babies littered the fence recently manicured from the paid landscaper that graced the plantations with gloved hands to keep balance in the garden.

Your lips and drying saliva fed to a cigarette nearing the yellow filter.

The dusty lines that entered your body with passing tar and the cool of a ray in winter, you lungs flayed the herbs with a palm tree sway where for once you were slouched and pleased on sand with combs of ocean through your ears, salt water currents invisible in your hair but a peaceful provided scent.

You aired out to your reality, not willingly but exposed when the spoiler of your happiness had spoken.

"That shit's underwhelming as fuck yet a cancer speedrun"

You learnt that in health class and toured through it when your late aunt got leukaemia. Weed wasn't an easy girl you could simply just break up with and forget.

"I promised not to use nothing harder"

The corrupting smoke didn't distinguish her mahog brown eyes having being a far feet away and hooded by shadows, her frame you could spy was slim and average height, belonging to your older neighbour.

"Don't tell me you promised yourself that shit"

Her teeth pulled sore at your willingness

"I did, so.."

Your third bud had already burnt its shape ranking your stack like almonds if stood far enough.

"Soo.. prepare for failure on that ridiculous swear and a future married to cocaine"

She summed as you crushed the tar on you phone case, sighing out the final grey blow.

"Not that poor people chalk bullshit, my money going straight to heroin"

You humored but with a minor sincerity.

"Good girl, you know how to get your money's worth"

Her arm and chin resided on the fence absorbing you.

You smiled, snaking yourself up into a waking stretch. Designed far too big your shirt had not shown any skin.

Stepping over the shells, you walked your way to the attired woman in couture you never fancied, accessorized to emphasise her deserved wealth.

Decorated, was as leopard print on her pigment deficient skin, however, up close you visualise the fabric as a simple spaghetti strap she wore braless.

The toughness of three dimensional gems if caressed through with haste, the harden and multiplied jewels would leave indents on your palms.

"You always dress up so much?"

Your voice had it's dehydrated rasp but your buring almost quiet voice broke through.

"I wanna impress someone"

Simply stated. You continued inquisitively.

"your husband's away, you ain't have nobody to seduce"

You asked still hazy but managing her lit amber hues and face glassing natural reds.

"You're a little mole aren't you Y/N"

The grass seemed comical as you peered at it, chuckling unconsciously itching at you cloth arm.

"Nah..just a neighbour who's sleep schedule is far past hell when having to listen at every quarrel between you both"

She took her lip to hide an embarrass.

"No need to be embarrassed.. it nice  hear you voice Mrs Hathaway"

Her reds turned to rose shades rather than bites of rashes and a feline smile of unbelievable whites.

"You like my voice?"

You heard the skeptic with a lanky mixture of joy, attempting your own grin.

"It's at least better than my mother's"

Your skin prickled at the sudden pull of the strands of the sewn threads on your blisters.

"I wondered why you were so heavily clad in this drought of a day"

The woman caught on quicker than you'd wanted or liked. Your silence challenged her to restart conversing ten words that brought near tears.

How about you come get high with me. The good stuff.

"I'm sixteen"

You hated ruining fun with your age, but didn't want to risk the lady getting into trouble.

"And I'm forty. Congratulations, we remember our numbers"

She served her sarcasm, plating an eye roll.

"Look y/n, she beats you like a mature adult, calling the police for an older woman taking better care of her daughter would make her look exceptionally foolish."

Contemplating wasn't something you liked nor did you participate for this. This would be a hidden middle finger to that birth giver you resented.

The sun too, was beginning to swelter you and nosy neighbours began weeding their gardens or prepping their pets for strolls.

"I'm passing around, can't hop the fence"

You chipper off feeling her stare hard.

Only noise was the rumple of her feet hitting her gravel front way striding back to her patio area and your hands in the grass scooping the three points, leaving the sheet.

At store for cigars. Back soon.

You scribbled, resting the expired buds on the make shift ashray specked with black ash.

Your mother appreciated mess almost as much as she appreciated you.

You accepted the knowing beat you would most likely get on returning but hopefully you'd get luckier at a certain woman's mansion.

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