Chapter 1

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Time has passed very quickly. It has been four years since the birth of the crown prince. Lots of things happened. The major event that happens between the palace is Emperor Claude's love story with the dancer of Siodonna, Diana. Diana has sometimes act as the nanny and could be such a mom to Asher which is why make Claude fallen even more for the dancer.

It was evening when the young crown prince, Prince Asher was looking for his father when he heard harsh voices coming from the pavilion of the Ruby Palace in where he knows that his father probably be, visiting his mistress, Lady Diana.

"Choose me rather than that child who is eating away your life!"

Asher take a peek inside to see his father tightly holding Lady Diana with desperate look and keep on saying about his unborn little sister will take away her life. Diana looked sad and a bit broken because she already loved the child growing inside her, the child that will become the little sister of the cute and her beloved young prince that she starts look as her son.

"I apologize your majesty, but I cannot do that. I choose our child..."

Claude was frozen and his eyes blazed, his magic starts to go haywire and Lady Diana doesn't look scared because she believes in him.


Claude was shocked because he didn't feel his son presence because of his strong emotion of anger and betrayal and hurt. His magic stop when he feels the small hand of little raven head boy with jeweled blue eyes holding his hand. Lady Diana looks at the young crown prince with small smile and hint of sadness, because she knows sooner after she cannot see him anymore.

"Asher..." Claude says calmly with almost a whisper. He looks into the little prince's face and could almost see the face of his late wife, Ultear and he clench his hand before release Diana and turn his back before pick up the young prince who looked worry, "It's best we leave Asher... It's almost time for your bed."

The crown prince nods and hug Claude's neck before looking at Diana who give a small smile, "Have a good night Your Highness..."

"Dad, I want Lady Diana to sing me a lullaby before I sleep."

It shocked Claude and Diana. It was a routine for Diana ever since she was favored by the Emperor and young prince to come to the prince's room to sing him lullaby. Asher loves to hear Diana's beautiful singing voice which soothing. Claude was about to deny that but Asher look at him with his eyes that full of sincerity and determination. Claude knows that his son will argue with him and if he still forbids him, the young prince will not talk to him for sometimes and he does not want to be ignored by his little prince and son.

"If that is what you want..." Claude says before he glances at Diana who bow and say, "It will be an honor to sing you lullaby, Your Highness."

With that they go to Claude's room. Claude lay down his son on the bed and help tuck him in. He was about to move and look at the window before Asher grab his hand and give him a pleading look to stay beside him with his cute face and adorable eyes. Diana then starts to sing Asher's favorite lullaby and instantly he fell asleep while holding on Claude's hand.

As Diana finish singing, she looks at the young prince, give a sad soft smile before excusing herself with greeting, "Blessing and glory upon the sun and first star of Obelian Empire."

Claude does not even spare any glance at Diana and stroking his son's hair and plant a kiss on the forehead as he heard the door being opened and closed. He only has his son...

"You will not leave me, won't you, my son?" He whispers and as if Asher heard him, he cuddled to Claude and smile in his sleep, "I love you Dad... Let's stay for a long while..."

Claude couldn't help but give a faint small smile at the responds. 

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