Chapter 3

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(Asher's POV)

I look at this little girl with long wavy golden blonde hair and jeweled blue eyes. She looks like Lady Diana and her blue eyes really tell that she is from imperial blood, the little sister and daughter that Lady Diana left for us.

"Are you perhaps... my little sister?" I ask the little girl.

She looks nervous and blushing before her fingers start fidgeting and she clench her skirt. I lean down and get my face closer to her which make her squeaked and quickly hide her face while her cheeks turn redder. I put my hand on her forehead and she squeaked.

"You feel a bit warm. Are you sick? Should I take you back to Ruby Palace?" I ask.

"Uhm... No. A-Athy is alright..." she says with still flushed face.

I look at her and then she gives a smile, "Are you Athy's big brother?" She asks and then I couldn't help but smile at her.

"So, you know about me... Yes, I am your brother. Nice to meet you little sister," I say and pat her head.

She is cute indeed.

"Can Athy call you big brother (oppa)?" she asks with sparkling eyes which make me blink several times in silence, "Can't I?" she asks again with a sad look. I feel bad so I nod, "Sure you can call me big brother or just my name, Asher. It's nice to meet you Athanasia."

She grins, "Nice to meet you too big brother Asher!"


After playing sometimes with Athy, I decided to visit Dad. If I remember correctly, Dad has an audience this morning.

"Rufus," I called on my knight.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Is Dad still on the audience room?" I ask.

He nods, "Yes Your Highness. His Majesty is still having an audience with some nobles."

"Was it Duke Alpheus?" I ask and the silence from Rufus already confirmed enough. I sigh and nods, "Let's go visit Dad and Duke Alpheus. It seems that I know what are they talking about."

With that we walked to the throne room where I know Dad is. As I open the door, I could hear what they are talking.

"Your Majesty... Please reconsider. His Highness, the Crown Prince Asher is 9 years old already and His Highness need a fiancée that will be the Crown Princess Consort," reason Duke Alpheus.

I look at Dad who look down at Duke Alpheus with a glare and not amused and he said, "Duke Alpheus, are you demanding the Emperor to do something?"

"O-of course not, Your Majesty. I wouldn't dare to demand such things... We are just worry over the Crown Prince. We all would like to give the best for the future monarch." the duke explained.

"The crown prince is my son. Whatever the crown prince does or desire are not of your concern. I know what best for my son, Duke Alpheus. So, I suggest you refrain to speak such things."

"Y-Your Majesty..."

I had enough as this so I decide to let them know my presence, well technically to that white dog. How pitiful, we don't need to let Dad get into his anger...

"Duke Alpheus... I suggest you to know your boundary. I have no intention to be engaged as of now," I said as I lean my back on the door while give a strong glare at him.

"Y-Your Highness..." He bows again, "Blessing and glory upon the future sun of Obelian Empire."

"Asher... You're here," says Dad while still put his head on his hand while resting on the arm rest looking at me with a hint of amusement.

I slightly smile to Dad, "Yes I'm here Dad," I walk approaching the throne, passing Duke Alpheus who still bowing since I haven't told him to rise. "You may rise, Duke Alpheus..."

"Thank you, Your Highness..." He spoke.

As I near Dad, he pulls me to sit on his lap. Dad doesn't show much affection or skin ship but he often tells me to sit on his lap despite I already quite grown up, 9 years old. But to Dad, I am still his treasured and favorite son.

"What brings you here, Asher? I thought I already told you to not come barging in during my audience meeting," Dad says.

"I apologize Dad... But it seems that my hunch is correct as I know you are talking about me," I say.


"My apology, Your Majesty and Your Highness... I know that this must not something that you like to hear all the time, but it's for the best of the future of Obelia and the council also. His Highness, the crown prince is already suitable to start looking for the future crown princess consort. We just want what's best for the empire, Your Majesty, Your Highness," Duke Alpheus reason again.

I could feel that Dad already had enough and one more push, he will be irritated and his magic might be flared. I have to calm him down.

"Duke Alpheus... The thought might be sounds noble. Thank you for worrying over me. But just like Dad said, I do not need a crown princess consort as of time now. I am content enough with Dad," I explain.

"But Your Highness..."

I give him a glare and Duke Alpheus back down and nods, "I understand Your Highness... If you ever change your mind, please let me know so we could arrange all of the things needed for the crown princess consort."

I nod and Duke Alpheus excuse himself with greeting. I sigh and then look at Dad who is now looking at me.

"You did well, Asher... Spoken like a true ruler," Dad compliments.

"Hehehe Thank you Dad. I have been watching over how you deal with the nobles like that. They seem to be... troublesome..." I say as I sighs.

I could feel Dad give a faint, almost invisible smirk, "Yes... The dogs should learn not to bite their masters..."

"True... Beside Dad," I called.


"I don't want to get married. I prefer to stay here with you. I don't need a Queen or Empress to rule by my side. You rule by yourself after Mom passed away... 9 years and the empire are fine and peaceful. Other Empires and Kingdom like to involve themselves with us. So, for me, Dad..."

I looked into his jeweled blue eyes that mirrored mine, "For me, Dad, you are the best Emperor and ruler. I would like to be just like you when I come off age... I will not disappoint you."

(Claude's POV)

"... I will not disappoint you..."

Seeing my son, Asher looking at me with the same eyes as mine but while mine is cold with amusement, Asher's eyes full with determination, respect and most of all sincerity and passion. He is my precious son that I will forever and always cherish and love.

A flash of memory seeing Ultear's determination eyes that time while saying that I could be an amazing and better ruler for the Obelian people... That memory warms my heart.

Ultear... Our son looks so much like you, I'm glad. Thank you for giving me him...

I smile at Asher and pat his head with a smile, "I believe in you, Asher Seraphiel de Alger Obelia..." 

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