05 : Can I ?

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Shivansh in his office , it's already evening still he really don't want to leave the office , because for him office is more peaceful than his home . Then his bestfriend Bhavik Sharma entered . Bhavik and he are buisness partners.

Bhavik said to Shivansh " Yarr!!!! How many days you want to live your life with this regret ?"
"I think untill my last breath , she is the best thing I got but I lost her" He replied with a sad face
Bhavik know his friend , he was also angry with him when he know what his friend did . In the end he have to forgive him seeing his miserable state . Now he want his friend to reach at a certain conclusion because in life we have to move on , life can't be stop at a moment .
Then Bhavin said " why don't you reach at certain conclusion ? Either find Atrika bhabi or try to move on with another person "
Shivansh shocked to hear his friend's words because his friend Knew that what Artika meant for him . How can he said that moving on with someone ? Have he gone mad or he is out of his senses?
Then Shivansh said " Moving on with someone how can you said that ??? For me she is the only one . Even if she is moved on with someone I will never . Because for me without her no-one else "

After hearing his friend's word Bhavin understand that his friend's life is in way of loneliness , extream sadness and loveless .
Then Bhavin said that " Why not you try to find her ? If she is not moved on in her
life then you can pursue her to forgive you and ask her about second chance ? If she ready to give you second chance then this time just do one thing which is right , don't try to repeat the history ?"
Then Shivansh replied " I still remember the day when she was leaving me , she said ' Never try to come in to my life again , if you try to come just remember one thing I hate you so much that I can do anything to hurt you ' I really don't want her to spoil her life in hate because I know him when she hate someone she can do anything to hurt that person and can go any measures to hurt them . I am not afraid that I will be hurt . I am afraid that can I face her ? What if she hurts herself in hate she have for me ."

After hearing those words Bhavin don't know what to say . Then he said " I don't know she have that much strong personality . I think she is like sweet and independent girl with whom you fell in love . I always thought how can you love a girl who is so simple . Now I know why you fell in love . Because you love her strong personality which gives you vibe that without you also she is perfect also that gave you insecurity that she can never be dependent upon on you . So you for certain moment agreed on your words of your mother ."

After hearing his Friend's words Shivansh knew that his friend is right . What can he do now ? He realised his mistake too late .

◦•●◉✿Just a thought✿◉●•◦

"Insecurities like slow poisons , which acts slow in the end kills your conscience . When you realise the thing , then damage is already done "


English is not my native language. Please try to ignore grammatical errors.
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