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  The lights of the red light district flickered in the distance. Survivors ran out one after another. When they saw Fang Xin lying in the snow, they did not dare to step forward.

  They can only take a detour.

  The snow fell from the sky and swam into Fang Xin's scratched neck. The bright red and hot blood stained the thin snow under her body.

  Her eyes were wide open, watching the snow particles falling from the sky.

  As if extremely unwilling, full of beautiful despair.

  Ma Zhixuan stumbled out of the red light district and saw this scene.

  He rushed over in surprise, knelt down next to Fang Xin, then raised his head to look at Hua Mi who was sheathing her knife, "You. Why did you kill her? Where is my girlfriend? Where is Xiaolan?"

  Ma Zhixuan's mind was still dizzy. He drank too much wine last night, and he couldn't remember many things clearly.

  The only thing he remembered, the last familiar face, was Fang Xin smiling at him.

  When he woke up today, Ma Zhixuan didn't even see who the naked woman in his arms was before he was informed by the panicked prostitute outside.

  The garrison entered the red light district, and Brother Fan asked everyone to leave quickly.

  He and the woman got dressed in a hurry and separated as soon as they ran out of the door. They had a romantic relationship all night and he didn't even understand the situation.

  When he was in the red light district where gunshots were ringing, he searched hard to find Fang Xin and Qin Xiaolan, but as soon as he walked out of the red light district, he found that Fang Xin had been killed.

  What kind of hatred could she have to kill a weak woman here so cruelly?

  For a moment, Ma Zhixuan looked at Hua Mi with anger in his eyes.

  Hua Mi looked down at Ma Zhixuan with an expressionless expression,
  "Your girlfriend? She was probably tricked into becoming a prostitute by Fang Xin. Just look for them. They all ran over there, over there, over there."

  She was very kind. He pointed out several directions to Ma Zhixuan. There were a lot of people rushing out just now, both men and women, and they were generally going to these places.

  There are no cameras here, so who knows.

  Ma Zhixuan stood up angrily,
  "What are you talking about? How could my girlfriend do such a thing?"

  He had a very good impression of Fang Xin. After all, what Fang Xin showed in front of him was a very good one side.

  So no matter what, Ma Zhixuan didn't believe that Fang Xin would trick his girlfriend into being a prostitute.

  But now that Fang Xin has been killed and everything is unconfirmed, the key is, where did Qin Xiaolan go?

  Hua Mi shrugged and stopped talking. Ma Zhixuan felt that Qin Xiaolan would not be deceived into becoming a prostitute, so why would she argue with Ma Zhixuan?

 "However, I still have to remind you that if people are missing at this time, they must be found as soon as possible. If you miss the golden time, you may never find them again."

  Hua Mi is still very kind-hearted. There were so many people running out just now, just like a Spring Festival train station. There is no surveillance here to adjust. Who knows if Qin Xiaolan have been taken advantage in the chaos?

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