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         Of course the woman did not stab Hua Mi.

  If she could be stabbed by this kind of thing, Hua Mi wouldn't have to go out to hang out.

  She didn't even look back, she kicked her foot back and kicked the knife out of the woman's hand.

  Hua Mi turned around and kicked the woman several meters away from the door of her car, hitting her directly into the snow.

  The snow was too thick and very soft, otherwise the woman would have had a few bones broken if she didn't die.

  She seemed to realize that she had encountered a problem today, so she got up from the thick and soft snow and glanced at Hua Mi angrily.

  Just run away.

  How could Hua Mi let it go so easily?

 She calmly took out an AK47, raised the gun, and aimed it at the fleeing woman.

  It was at this time that Gong Yi and Zhou Cheng hurried over with two garrison guards.

  Gong Yi found Hua Mi based on his direction.

  Zhou Cheng happened to be patrolling nearby with a team of guards.

  When the woman saw the garrison uniforms they were wearing, she immediately cried and shouted,

  "Help, help, there is a crazy woman there, she is going to kill me, ah ah, help."

In the extreme environment, a strong man or a weak woman who cannot take care of herself, who is more credible in what they say?

 At the same time, in an extreme environment, between a pregnant woman holding an AK47 or a disheveled, haggard-looking woman, who looks more like a bad guy?

 Hua Mi put down her AK47, looked at the woman at leisure, and threw herself at Gong Yi's feet.

  What she cried was miserable, desolate, sad, and scary. Anyway, she looked very pitiful.

  Compared with such an embarrassed woman, Hua Mi, who was wearing a clean coral velvet maternity dress, looked like a bad person.

  A vicious woman with a big belly.

  Gong Yi, Zhou Cheng and others who were stationed at the station stopped and looked at this woman with speechless words.

  What is she saying? Is she saying that Hua Mi wants to kill her?

 It's not like they were stationed to protect their own people.

  But they felt that the person Hua Mi wanted to kill must have a reason why she had to die.

  Then, Gong Yi, Zhou Cheng and others stood guard and all looked at Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi walked over slowly with an AK47 and said deliberately, "What a coincidence, we met the garrison here. Hello everyone."

  Gong Yi: "."

  Zhou Cheng: "."

  Garrison A and B: This is a joke or tricks?

 Hua Mi, as if she didn't know Gong Yi, pointed at the woman on the ground and explained, "She deceived me, pretended to be raped by a group of men, let me open the car door, and prepared to attack me." "

  "No, it's a lie, lie." The woman cried and shook her head, kneeling at Gong Yi's feet.

  "You're lying. I'm already miserable in such bad weather. I finally met her, but she wants to kill me!"

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