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  By the time Hua Mi rushed to the emergency area, Xin Qiuru had already cut the child out of Qin Zhen's belly very quickly.

  She used the painkillers provided by Huami.

  When she saw Hua Mi, she said nothing but taking off her surgical clothes,

  "Where did you get those painkillers? They are very useful."

  In such an environment where supplies were scarce, Hua Mi's painkillers  can completely replace anesthetics.

  Although people who take painkillers will not fall asleep, they will also not feel any pain.

  Xin Qiuru thinks that the use can be vigorously promoted and Huami's painkillers can be used instead of anesthetics.

  "If you want, just ask me to get the goods."

  Hua Mi took two steps forward, looked at the blood stains on Xin Qiuru's sterile gloves, and asked,

  "How is Qin Zhen's child?"

  Xin Qiuru was stunned for a moment, as if thinking about how to answer Hua Mi, she sighed,
"The month is too young, only 6 months."

  Everyone knows how difficult it is for a premature baby who is only 6 months old to survive in this kind of environment.

  When Xin Qiuru performed a caesarean section on Qin Zhen, she knew that the child would no longer be alive.

  But Qin Zhen didn't believe it. When she was lying on the operating table, she was still begging Xin Qiuru to do her best to save her child.

  Although Xin Qiuru has already explained to Qin Zhen, under normal circumstances, only 7-month-old premature babies have a greater chance of survival.

  6 months is really too dangerous.

  But Qin Zhen couldn't accept it. She had never held her child in her arms or heard her child call her mother.

  How could it be lost like this?


  Xin Qiuru sighed again and said to Hua Mi,
"We have sent this child to an incubator. In the entire emergency area, this child is the only one who uses an incubator."

  Because other parents, as long as the child has  a little problem, when the doctor told her that it was best to send the baby to an incubator, those parents simply gave up the treatment.

  But no, Qin Zhen is the only one left who insists on keeping her child, and must put her child in an incubator.

  Hua Mi frowned slightly, and said to Xin Qiuru,

  "I want to see that child."

  Seeing Xin Qiuru looking over with doubtful eyes, Hua Mi explained,

  "Take a few photos of the child and show them to Qin Zhen, if it's true. Give Qin Zhen a photo to remember too."

  Although Xin Qiuru didn't agree with this, the child was too young and had to be kept in a sterile environment.

  But now Hua Mi is the big boss of the emergency department.

  All medical drugs in Xiangcheng and City B rescue centers are provided by Huami.

  Hua Mi asked to see Qin Zhen's child, so the emergency department naturally had to provide her with a channel.

  Soon, Hua Mi, who was wearing protective clothing, saw the small, red child, who was as big as a bunny.

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