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  Looking at Ma Zhixuan who gradually closed his eyes.

  Ma Yongchun's tears rolled down his face.

  Qin Jianqiang in his arms was probably hungry. He chirped a few times and felt dizzy with fever. He curled his lips and started to cry again.

  Ma Yongchun raised his hand and patted the little baby in his arms, wiped away the tears on his face, turned around and ran towards the road.

  Ma Yongchun did not use the snowmobile because he was afraid of alerting the killer below.

  At this time, the snowmobile he drove would have to be used unless the car was dug out of the deep snow.

  Ma Yongchun didn't have that time.

  He ran away in a hurry, taking out a compass in his hand to find the direction in this extreme weather.

  The baby in his arms was humming uneasily. Maybe he also felt that the current environment was very dangerous. Although he didn't cry, he was very scared.

  "Don't be afraid, dad will take you to find mom, don't be afraid."

  Ma Yongchun wrapped his coat tighter, keeping his body balanced with one hand, and gently stroking Qin Jianqiang in his arms with the other.

  He will take his son out.

  "As a father, it's Dad's fault that he didn't fulfill his responsibilities to you. But be strong. You are not a child born without your parents expectations. You are also born full of expectations."

As he trudged in the snow, Ma Yongchun kept talking, and he knew that his son couldn't understand it at all.

  But there were some words that he was afraid that if he didn't say them, he would never have the chance to say them in the future.

  "Dad is not a good father. He has never come to see you since you were born. It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he is too busy." Before he could finish speaking,
Ma Yongchun fell into the snow, mixed with the strong wind. Snowflakes as big as fists fell in big lumps.

  Ma Yongchun stumbled to his feet and moved towards Xiangcheng with difficulty.

  Soon, he felt that his hands and feet were frozen.

  "But dad can't give up, right? Once you give up, you will stay here forever. I can't give up, you can't give up."

  Ma Yongchun muttered to himself. At this time, he didn't know whether he was talking to Qin Jianqiang or he said to himself.

  Someone's voice sounded from behind.

  The group of killers finally alerted, Ma Zhixuan was dead, and Ma Yongchun had escaped with Qin Jianqiang.

  Vasili screamed angrily. How could he have expected that Ma Yongchun, a man with no strength and a beer belly, would be so courageous.

  The heart is so cruel.

  Ma Yongchun actually stabbed his beloved brother to death.

  It's absolutely disgusting.

  Vasily led the killer to chase him, and through the snow and wind, he saw Ma Yongchun trudging ahead.

  "Stop, if you don't come back, I will shoot!"

  Vasily, who was extremely angry, picked up the gun in his hand and said,

 "No one dares to tease me like this, no one!"

  Ma Yongchun in front never meant to stop.

  So Vasily fired.

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