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  No one is born to fight zombies.

  Unless it's the darling of heaven who is reborn.

  Hua Mi also understood this truth, so she continued to complain, but still had no intention of interfering with the group's panic escape.

  In fact, Hua Mi also jumped out of the truck.

  She planned to see where these people went.

  Where can she run?

  People with superpowers are the mortal enemies of zombies, and they are also the uniquely chosen ones among the survivors.

  As people with special abilities, it seems to have become their instinct to fight zombies when they see them.

  So it was the first time she saw a person with powers scared like this by zombies.

  Hua Mi felt like laughing.

  At this time, Zhou Cheng also woke up a lot. He blushed, let go of Shi Caixia's face, tilted his head, and didn't know what to say.

  Just then, the 12 power users in front ran over in a hurry, shouting loudly,

  "There are monsters, there are monsters."

  Hua Mi, with a big belly, followed them like a leisurely stride. .

  She seemed to be walking very slowly, but her speed could keep up with those of grown men.

  Seeing this, Zhou Cheng hurriedly asked Hua Mi, "Sister Hua, there are zombies, why don't you fight them?"

  This is not in line with Hua Mi's character.

  Shouldn't she have rushed towards the zombies when she saw them?

 Hua Mi raised her hand and threw a handful of Gatling to Zhou Cheng.

  She raised her hand again and threw a handful of Gatling to Shi Caixia.

  She said, "Doesn't this give you two a chance to show off?"

  After saying that, she followed the 12 power users to escape.

  Zhou Cheng and Shi Caixia were left behind, looking at each other.

  Then the two of them seemed to think of something at the same time, blushing, and turned away their heads in unison.

  The superpowers who had run away turned around and saw their brother Zhou Cheng, standing still with a woman.

  Someone shouted:

  "Zhou Cheng, what are you doing? Run, those are not people, they are monsters!"

  Zhou Cheng did not move, but faced the shambling zombies on the opposite side and bravely raised his hand. Use the Gatling.

  At that moment, everyone felt that Zhou Cheng's image was very tall.

  Even Shi Caixia feels so.

  In particular, Zhou Cheng tilted his head and said to Shi Caixia, "Xiaxia, go quickly, I will deal with them,  go!"

  After saying that, Zhou Cheng held the Gatling and drove towards the zombies.

  When the group of superpowers who were about to run saw this, they felt that Zhou Cheng was too fierce.

  Shi Caixia stepped back some distance and looked down at Gatling in her hand.

  Because Hua Mi had introduced science all the way, she calmly analyzed it with the brains of a science student.

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