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  Compare to Xiangcheng.

  The labor force really didn't want to compare, but they really couldn't control it, so they compared Xiangcheng and E City in their minds.

  There are almost no buildings in City E. They are all temporary tents.

  Not only that, these tents are set up in a completely disorderly manner, there are no so-called roads, and the ground is full of garbage.

  How dirty is it? Even if you step on it, if you are not careful, you may step on shit.

  The entire city planning was not planned from the beginning.

  Because there are no toilets planned, people can only defecate anywhere.

  Forget about open defecation, there is still no dedicated person to clean it up. This is absolutely impossible to happen at the Xiangcheng base.

  Xiangcheng has a group of specialized sanitation workers and a base clearing team, in addition to the clearing team that specializes in maintaining the cleanliness of the base.

  There are also sweeping robots that they don't know who installed in the streets and alleys.

  Even a little bit of debris can be cleaned up.

  Not to mention people who defecate anywhere. Anyone who dares to defecate anywhere will be caught by the police and fined.

  A penalty is quite a lot.

  The toilets at the Xiangcheng base are also sufficient. There are four or five public toilets on each street, so there is absolutely no chance of congestion.

  Hu Yanxiang couldn't help feeling disgusted in his heart. He smelled the stinky smell of E City in his nose. He kept thinking about the good of the Xiangcheng base, almost uncontrollably.

  The survivors he brought behind him were also muttering.

  But Hu Yanxiang comforted himself again. Now E City does not have so many manpower to carry out infrastructure construction. It would be nice if they came.

  If he comes with so many survivors, it will soon develop and become like Xiangcheng.

  Because this group of laborers who had been raised in Xiangcheng to be particularly strong arrived, Qu Shiheng, with a gloomy face, came forward in a condescending manner and received Hu Yanxiang and other people.

  He took his sister from the south of Xiangcheng and returned to E City in a light car.

  Therefore, the speed was much faster than Hu Yanxiang. Looking at the large black man behind Hu Yanxiang, Qu Shiheng, who had lost one of his ears, nodded with satisfaction.

  He stretched out his hand toward Hu Yanxiang, shook it, and said meaningfully,
  "Welcome to E City. I believe that with your joining, E City will become better and better. E City currently lacks labor force." QubShiheng wanting to compare with Xiangcheng, he took out a drawing and said to Hu Yanxiang and the others: "This is my newly drawn city wall construction drawing of E City. Let's also build a base."

  Hu Yanxiang's heart skipped a beat, he just said after glancing at Qu Shiheng's drawings, he smiled, followed Qu Shiheng, avoiding everyone and said: "Young Master Qu, this drawing is good, but we, we can build the base anytime, so there is no rush at this moment."

  "Now we are so hungry that our hands and feet are weak. We have to rest for a few days. Otherwise, we don't have the strength to pull up the city wall and carry out construction." Since they want to build a base, don't they have to negotiate the material benefits for the workers first?

 When they were in Xiangcheng, when workers were building bases, the contractors would negotiate all the benefits in advance before the workers started work.

  Now Qu Shiheng didn't even start talking about salary, he just took out the drawings and asked Hu Yanxiang to organize workers to carry out construction.

  But they had traveled a long way to E City, and they were already hungry and short of breath. At least they had to be given a place to stay and let them rest for a few days.

  Then after eating, drinking, and feeling happy, start building these bases.

  Qu Shiheng rolled up the drawings in his hand, his face twisted and serious.

  He said coldly to Hu Yanxiang:

  "Then how about I get you a luxurious tent, get some beauties to accompany you, and provide you with countless supplies? Since you guys come to E City, you must do your part for our E City. I said that we must build the city wall immediately, so you must hurry up and do it for me.There is nothing to say."

To be honest, Qu Shiheng's attitude was very tough. He suffered a lot in Xiangcheng and even lost an ear. He had been holding back a strong hatred in his heart.

  After returning to E City, he turned this hatred into motivation and must build E City into a base larger than Xiangcheng.

  So Qu Shiheng is very anxious now.

  Therefore, after finally getting such a large group of strong and healthy labor force, Qu Shiheng just wants to start construction as soon as possible.

  Hu Yanxiang wiped his face. He felt that he was increasingly unable to convince himself that E City was better than Xiangcheng City. .

  But he still has not given up hope in E City.

  It was Xiangcheng who had gone too far and made him extremely disappointed with Xiangcheng.

  So, Hu Yanxiang said to Qu Shiheng in a good voice,

  "It's not impossible to start construction immediately. Can you give us some food?"

  On the way to E City, each of them brought a lot of supplies.

  But because they came on foot, and the men ate a lot, they had already eaten up all the supplies within a short time.

  There are still some leftovers, and it is estimated that they will not last long in E City.

  Therefore, Hu Yanxiang and others urgently need to replenish their supplies.

  Qu Shiheng thought about it and realized that it was the same reason. He couldn't let people work hungry when they first arrived.

  He immediately called Qu Yimin and asked her to take Hu Yanxiang to get supplies.

  Qu Yimin seemed very reluctant. She glanced disdainfully at Hu Yanxiang and the large labor force outside the Qu family's big tent.

  Haha, don't think she can't tell. With these big guys, they must have eaten a lot in Xiangcheng.

  Now they're coming to E City to eat again, Qu Yimin is not used to these people.

  "Come with me." Qu Yimin waved.

  Hu Yanxiang followed Qu Yimin, and several people from the Qu family carried out a basket of instant noodles.

  Hu Yanxiang's eyes widened, and he pointed at the basket of instant noodles and asked Qu Yimin, "Is this just for me?" "

  He can't eat so much instant noodles by himself. If he is at the Xiangcheng base, the Xiangcheng base will also distribute instant noodles to the workers.

  But while giving out instant noodles, they will also give out many other things, such as instant noodles with milk, self-heating hot pot, apples, oranges, drinks, beer, etc.

  A whole basket of instant noodles with just one flavor is too exaggerated.

  Qu Yimin looked at Hu Yanxiang sarcastically, "What are you thinking about? What are you dreaming about? These are supplies for all of you. Eat them quickly, so you can go to work after eating."

Before Hu Yanxiang could react, he kept saying,"This is too much. I won't be able to finish it. Don't you have any other flavors? They all have the same turkey flavor. I don't like turkey."

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