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  E City, which has a harsh living environment, increasingly does not regard E City's labor force as human beings.

  Chen Hu ordered that a city wall be built in City E, so the strong labor force going from Xiangcheng to City E began to work in the dark, day and night.

  The Qu family sent additional supervisors, divided into several batches, to keep an eye on these survivors 24 hours a day.

  Once a survivor was lazy, the overseer would come forward and punch and kick those survivors.

  Not only that, they didn't let the survivors leave E City.

  There are survivors who would rather leave City E without taking any money or food rations.

  The end result was that he was stripped naked and tied to a pillar for everyone to watch.

  It is said that under the leadership of Hu Yanxiang, they have collected all the [Energy Water Drops] from the survivors.

  Several people died because of this.

  The vendor asked curiously:"Isn't [energy water droplet] readily available in our Xiangcheng city? Is it worth dying for it?"

  He didn't quite understand what the people of E City were like because of the lack of supplies.

Because he has been staying in Xiangcheng and has never been out, he lacks the most realistic understanding of the external environment.

  The vendor only knows that [Energy Water Droplets] can be seen everywhere on the construction site in the west of Xiangcheng.

  As long as you participate in building the city wall, [Energy Water Drops] will be provided for free.

  Chichuan didn't know how to explain it. E City was really too poor.

  He could only continue, "Because those survivors did not have the supplies to escape, and were watched very strictly by the E City base.

  "So they found a way to send us a message, hoping that we could lend a helping hand to rescue them. "

  After hearing the news from Chichuan, whether it was Cao Feng, Qin Zhen, or Hua Mi, they all frowned.

  Hua Mi asked coldly with a puffy stomach, "They were so decisive when they left, why do they want to return now? "

  When Hu Yanxiang left with those survivors, she told these survivors that
no matter what happens in the future, Xiangcheng will never accept them again, and will never open the door to these survivors again. Welcome with arms.

  This is very clear, and it's not like it hasn't been said before.

  Qin Zhen nodded and said, "Furthermore, our Xiangcheng base is currently suffering from internal and external troubles, and there are many things going on. Where can we find the time and energy to rescue this batch of people who have left? "

  The labor force left Xiangcheng in batches. The first time Hu Yanxiang took away more than a thousans of people. One
after another, it was said that when they arrived in E City, there were only a thousand people left.

  Later . Because the external environment of the Xiangcheng base continues to change and deteriorate, more and more people are leaving the Xiangcheng base. There are probably two to three thousand survivors in City E alone. It is necessary to remove these two thousand or three thousand people from E City.It will take a lot of manpower and material resources to rescue them.

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