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Matt looked at the pendulum from all angles, fascinated. Milo took needed more time to understand what he saw - only when the older one saw the pendulum against the light and it glowed in a faint red color, he realized he was looking at one of the oldest relics he ever heard of.

The younger sorcerer kept looking at it, forgetting about everyone around them. He knew that, if that was in fact real, Matt would know. He didn't had high hopes for it, thinking it was just a well made replica - but Matt's awe showed him it was the real deal.

Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.

That made his heart race and he kept looking at it for a couple of seconds, before gulping again. Then he looked at the others and asked, his tone much softer now.

- Where did you find this?

Damien, whose eyes were fixed on Milo throughout that analysis, was the one to answer.

- It was found near the Motta's coven after the attack. No one knew what this is, so we looked for some sorcerers, but none of the ones we knew were able to help. They all pointed us to you.

His mouth turned slightly upwards. Milo didn't get that expression, but Matt knew what it was. Pride. Petr, his maker, had the same expression.

- Well, my noble guests... - Duke started with excessive affectedness, his irony hiding how interested he was in his sorcerers. - What does that mean?

Matt looked at Milo before answering, but the younger was quicker. At that point, the shock was so big he was not even worried about Duke anymore - they had many serious problems now. He looked at the oldest man's eyes and sighed.

- If this belonged to the hunters, it means we're fucked. That is what it means.

- That was useful. - Andrej scoffed. - Can you elaborate, Milo?

Before his friend could talk, Matt intervened. He was a historian and chose that profession because of his interest in relics. He knew everything that was to know about the pendulum and wrote the best part of the existing materials on the subject.

- We don't know how the hunters really came to be. It seems the first sightings were in a time were humans were fighting everyone they feared, witches were fighting vampires, and vampires hated humans. Up until now, I always thought it was rumors. This...

He showed the pendulum to the others, wanting them all to see it to know if they ever came across another one again. Everyone was in complete silence, looking at him with stern faces - even the happy Petr was very serious.

- Is supposedly a relic that was created along with the hunters. It's one of the sources of their powers, and the leader of each group has one. Like if Duke has something to represent his power. This means that the group follows the old rules and that they probably have the tools to destroy who they want to.

- I'd go further. - Milo complemented, sitting on the piano bench again. - If this was a small group, I don't think they'd have access to it. Nor do they need something to show the others who is the leader. They also have other forms of accessing power. That thing. - He pointed out to the pendulum. - Shows me they're either a large group, or there's more than one group.

- They can attack multiple places at the same time. - The low and husky voice of Joseph filled the room as the sound of a crypt being opened, as that feeling when you realize you are having a nightmare. It made all of those who were unlucky enough to hear it. It caused such discomfort that Milo and Matt just nodded their heads.

- We're fucked. - Andrej shortened the conversation, regretting the fact he asked for more details.

The room was again filled with silence. Matt and Milo started exchanging looks again, now understanding what they were doing there. They also realized it'd take a lot of time for them to get back to Brazil - if they ever lived enough to do so.

What do they expect us to do against it...?

- So? That's why you wanted us here, to tell you we're all going to die? We're all going to die. Can I go home now?

Milo was harsh, looking from Damien to Duke, letting his frustration out on them. He didn't want to die yet. He knew that, if the hunters really wanted to destroy every supernatural being, they'd find Matt and Milo no matter where they were.

- I forgot how much of a pain in the ass you are. - Duke sighed in frustration.

- Oh, I'm sorry about my manners. I didn't want to be here. It's not like I hid from your face for 500 years.

Duke laughed. Seeing Milo that angry could be amusing, since he still saw himself as a stubborn and hot-headed teenager. He knew about his skills and how amazing Milo could be, but his anger was as adorable as the one from a lap dog. Damien, on the other hand, seemed to have had enough of the conversation and got away from them, sitting near Joseph.

- The Impressive Milo and Mighty Mathew, whose books and diaries are read and revered by the biggest names of our time, whose own existence was surrounded by mystery, are only really good at fleeing and hiding. Are you sorcerers or human magicians? Baffle the audience with what they see, but would disappoint anyone who sees behind the curtains?

- Motherfucker.

Milo stood up again, exalted. His ego was not small, and he had worked a lot to achieve the fame he had. Merely publishing books and diaries was hard work, not only to create them but also because he needed to cast a spell on every. single. person. that crossed paths with him so they'd not remember his appearance and which portal he used to get to the Occult Realm. He was ready to make Duke eat his words, but Matt intervened.

- He just wants to piss you off, Milo. - Matt whispered in his ear, making Damien raise an eyebrow. His possessive nature was a secret to no one, and the two sorcerers being that close was not something that made him happy.

- You're more powerful, Mathew. You can take one for your boyfriend here and stay, so he can go home.

Damien stared daggers at Duke due to his comment, but Matt and Milo just ignored it. Duke didn't mind and sounded serious, even though he was not really - he was really just trying to piss Milo off, but instead, both sorcerers chuckled.

- If you really read our "books and diaries", you should work on your reading skills, your Excellency. - Milo's grin opened up again, his eyes showing he was still able to get some fun out of that moment. - He needs my spells.

- And he needs my power. - Matt completed, not bothered in the slightest. - Our magic comes as a duo.

Damien rolled his eyes at that and got up, leaving the room after that. Petr looked at his friend leaving and then made a face at Andrej, trying not to laugh.

- It's settled, then. Since you two are so good at hiding, you can start working on protecting the house. - Duke decreed with a smile, getting exactly what he wanted.

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