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- Are you sure?

- Yes, I'm sure. Put it in - but be gentle!

- I don't think this is a good idea, Milo...

- Just do it, Petr. I know what I'm doing and I know you want to see what will happen.

Petr sighed and decided to trust the sorcerer, adding the mixture of grounded leaves they just made to a liquid Milo had told the vampire to buy. The taller blond man was sure it was about to explode in his face or catch fire, but that was not what happened. Instead, the grounded leaves just floated through the liquid.

- Okay, now just stir it.

It was almost night at this point, and even though he was still lying on the sofa, Milo was guiding Petr through the process of making a potion that would help on get their powers back quicker.

The taller man was doing better than Milo expected - his experience as a musician caused Petr to be very gentle and able when dealing with details and delicate tasks. So he was guided on how the herbs worked, as well as how to ground them without losing their properties. Then, explained how to measure and mix different potions in order to create a navy blue liquid that was now being stirred in an erlenmeyer. Minty-smelled fumes left the liquid as it got more and more homogeneous.

- Perfect, that should do it. Now we just need to wait for a bit. It'll crystalize and then it'll be ready for Matt and me. Now we can work on Matt, Andrej, and Damien.

- "We"? - Petr sighed.

- Yes... Unless you know which herbs and potions to use, then it's "we". - Milo raised his brow, a bit impatient. The situation was not ideal to him as well - he'd be much quicker and efficient if he was able to do things by himself, but Damien and Duke were adamant he remained on the sofa - his body was feeling the wounds more and more as time went by.

- Ok, ok. No need to get angry. - Petr's tone was conciliatory, even though he was on the edge as well. All of that was way too stressful, and even though he usually liked to learn and wanted to help, being the one responsible for making the cures was too large of a responsibility. He'd much prefer to be in Andrej's shoes - even though his hands were full of cuts, he was not complaining about the pain and got to sit down and take a nap.

- Let's begin with Damien. Grab that red paste over there. - Milo pointed to a tube full of red medicine with a strong scent of strawberries.

- Are you going to put chapstick on my muscles, Milo? - Damien was reticent about the smell and texture of the so-called medicine.

- Just trust me. This is going to help you a lot with that pain of yours.

- Nah, I think I'm okay as is.

Milo then shrugged, a bit disappointed that Damien would allow himself to remain suffering instead of cutting it shorter. But at that time, he wasn't really in the mood to discuss it and just decided to respect the vampire's decision. So, he pointed at Matt.

- It's your turn, then.

- Okay. Just be done with this already. - Matt showed the palms of his hands to Petr, feeling extremely uncomfortable with the idea of the vampire touching him again. It was bad enough earlier when he was bitten, but it somehow felt worse to feel the vampire firmly holding his hand in one of his, then sliding his fingers through the palm of his shredded hands to spread the paste.

Milo just reached his room, still feeling like shit. His body hurt like hell even after he took his medicine, but now he was strong enough to stand and move around. As soon as he closed the door behind himself, he turned his head to face the mirror.

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