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Milo woke up a few minutes before the sunset - he had slept for most of the day, dominated by the exhaustion of all the events of the last few days. The soft bed and cozy blankets almost tricked him to believe he was in a hotel, but the antique canopy soon pointed him out to reality. He kept laying there, looking at that canopy, while he accepted the fact this was not some nightmare from which he'd wake up, as so many times before. This was a bitter truth, this time. Took him a few minutes to have the strength to wake up and drag himself to the bathroom of the suite to take a much needed shower.

While the cold water ran down his body, Milo was thinking about what he should eat for breakfast and if they even got food there. He imagined they did, thanks to the familiars, but was not sure. 

Oh shit, do they have spice?! 

The realization that most people there were turned before any kind of spice reached Eastern Europe hit him like bricks. He tried to remember, but way too much time has passed for him to be sure if any of them got to taste salt. Not that Milo was not able to eat something unseasoned - he of course was. He could even spend days without eating, or sleeping, for that matter, but we wouldn't - who the fuck would pass on the two best human activities?! 

When he got out of the shower and got dressed into his own clothes, not the ones in his closet, but the modern ones he had in his luggage, he finally went down the stairs. The place was still dead silent, indicanting that he was the first one to wake up. Even Matt's door was still closed, and he questioned if his friend had any luck in his studies. 

Walking across the ample rooms and furniture was not as bad when there wasn't anybody there. There was a sense of concreteness and resistance in each of that furniture - perhaps the fact they were resisting countless years without as much as a blemish, while everything else change around them. 

Milo finally made his way into the kitchen and saw two familiars whispering among themselves. He could not hear what they're saying and just looked at them for enough time to see how similar they where - both seemed to be in their 20s, with brown-ish straight hair and equally brown eyes. Both froze at his sight. 

- "'Morning." - Milo nodded, not seing the point as being rude to the familiars. They had nothing to do with his shitty luck, and other than that, the other "legitimate" members of the clan were unpleasant enough. Both nodded back to him, still too shocked to see that new man barging into their kitchen and looking for human food.

- "Do you have spice?" - He asked as he opened the cupboards, looking for the food and pans and cutterly. - "Please, please tell me you have salt".

- "Yes, sir". - The young woman replied. His voice trembled as much as her hand, as she pointed to a specific cupboard, too afraid to get closer. - "It is in there".

- "Attagirl". - Milo opened a smile in relief, grabbing the ingredients as he found it. There was eggs, cheese and salt, and he made a mental note to go get some groceries the next time he was out in the town. - "Did you eat yet?"

- "N-n-no, sir". - The young man answered this time. Seeing as both humans were so similar, he questioned if they could be siblings. Then, questioned himself if he'd prefer to be stuck in that life with someone from his family or if he'd prefer to suffer through that alone. Then, he wondered how did if feel to have a brother and something pounded on his chest. That empty feeling of something missing hit him again. He opted to stay quiet and focused on cooking four omelets. The boy seemed to get more and more agitated as he realized what the quantities meant. - "Sir, master Duke won't let us eat before the legitimate ones wake up". 

- "Well, then there's no problem there. I'm a legitimate one, am I not?" - He opened a playful smile to both of them, then shook his head. - "Don't worry. If the freaks out, I'm taking the blame. He knows me well enough to know that I'd convince you to join me. So eat, don't stay hungry". 

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