Getting ready

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It was around 10 a.m. already, but none of them managed to sleep. Not anymore, not with the stakes being so high. Weapons that Milo had never seen before were now placed throughout the house: swords leaned against the walls, axes were lined over tables, and bats and maces were in every bedroom. 

Milo and Matt took a look at all of it and conjured guns for themselves, just to be sure. 

After the previous night's confusion, Milo was still confused and angered. He didn't understand Damien's behavior, nor why would he allow himself to be put in such a ridiculous situation. What was he going to take out of it? Was really that fun to humiliate Milo?

The older man tried multiple times to create the link between their minds, but the sorcerer kept ignoring him, not in the mood for his excuses.

He was still walking around the room, trying to distract his mind. He equipped the potions Matt had done for him, as well as his own charms. His research was still floating in his mind since the whole ordeal stopped him from telling others about his findings. That wouldn't make a difference, since Milo would be able to update these spells and show Andrej, Matt, and Joseph about what to do.

He had everything he needed on his belt when Duke used his powers to open all the bedroom doors, one by one. Milo was a bit jumpy and that scared the hell out of him, making the man imagine that was already the first attack.

- "My dear children, since no one is sleeping, let's go over our strategies, shall we?" - His voice had an irritating affectation to it, a mixture of irony and caring. For the first time, Milo wondered if Duke was scared as well. How did it feel to have the coven you command about to be attacked? What would he do if his lackeys were murdered? - "Come come, everyone in the living room now".

The young sorcerer kept looking at his door for a couple of seconds, still stuck in his thoughts when Matt passed by and tilted his head, gesturing for Milo to follow. As soon as they were side by side, they went down the stairs right after everybody else. They're all in silence, like a funeral procession. 

For the first time, they're all in the living room together. Damien, Petr, Matt, and Milo sat on the sofa together, in that order. Joseph and Andrej sat on the armchairs, and Duke was standing in the middle. 

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- "First things first... Other than a good dick, what else have you found in Luna Rossa, Milo?" - The oldest man had a malicious smile on his lips, taking advantage of those last minutes of snark.

Milo blushed intensely and frowned, but he was able to control himself enough to swallow his anger. 

- "I think I found their origins". - He could see in his peripheral vision that Matt quickly turned his head to him, taken aback by the fact Milo hadn't let him know before. - "It's a long story and I'm not certain yet". - He justified to his friend. - "But it's a start. We'll go to battle and we might not win, but we'll get out of this if we capture the leader. I need us to capture the leader".

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