Memories - Confession

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TW: Sexual insinuations and foreplay.


Milo woke up a few times but was mostly unconscious. Anytime he'd open his eyes, either Damien or Petr gave him as much water as they could, considering Milo would both cry and sweat during his dreams.

That time, when the sorcerer woke up, he was a little more lively, to the point he managed to use his elbows to raise his torso a bit and look around.

- "Hey, Mi. Are you okay?" - Petr opened a smile filled with relief at the other blond man, getting his chair closer to the bed. He was still worried about him, but there finally was some color to the man's cheeks and lips, which was a nice improvement from before.

Milo shook his head. His body hurt everywhere. He felt like he was run over by a truck, and the words were still almost impossible to organize in his mind. So, instead of providing more details, he just looked around until he saw Damien, who was now getting him some water by the dresser.

It was just then that he realized how dry his mouth was. 

The vampire got closer and sat in his place again, right next to Milo's head, and pressed gently the glass on the sorcerer's lips. He didn't fight and gladly drank the water under the protective gaze of the two men. When he was done, Damien pressed his palm against Milo's chest, making him relax his body again and lay down.

- "Rest. Just give yourself more time."

Milo recognized that tone now. What he had always heard as a controlling command, now he remembered to be just Damien's protective voice. All that time thinking the man was just trying to make him do something, just for then remember how much that used to make him feel looked after. He smirked and reached for the vampire's hand.

The older one froze with that but didn't distance himself. Instead, he held Milo's hand and caressed it with his thumb, expectantly looking at the blond man's face. What did that touch mean? - Damien thought. 

Milo could feel the vampire's hesitancy, feeling his heart sting as he realized his behavior was the cause for that. So he intertwined their fingers together, and looked into the amber eyes that gazed upon him. The words would not form properly in his brain, but he knew his eyes would say everything he meant.

Indeed, the way he gazed at Damien was different now. Softer, kinder than it used to be during all those years. No suspicion. No resentment. Just the look of someone who was seeing a long-gone lover for the first time in years.

He could see Damien's lips trembling as he tried to control himself as he always did. And again, he succeeded. Instead of breaking down as he was about to, he brought Milo's hands to his own lips and kissed it, then smiled at the younger man.

- "Goddess, I missed you looking at me like this."

Milo smirked again. His heart pumped a bit faster when he saw the vampire smiling, but he just sighed with satisfaction. There was still a lot more to remember, still so much to understand and process. But he just wanted to allow himself to feel content for a few moments. So he made an effort to be awake for the longest he could before drifting off again, just enjoying the company of the pair near him.

It was hard saying goodbye. His younger siblings were crying - they had only spent a few months with Milo, but their older brother was extremely playful and patient with them. They refused to let go of him and their father had to hold them both so their mother could embrace her third son. Her arms were tight around him, but he didn't mind - her warmth and sweet smell never failed to soothe him.

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