𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑: 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲, 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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"Let's go through it one more time. I think we are doing it too fast." Minji unnie suggests. It's already 11 o'clock and we're still here at the Hybe building practicing.

"Okay." We all say together and Hyein goes to play the music again.

We went over all the new dance breaks we learned for our next fan meeting before calling it a day. However, I stayed longer because I felt that I wasn't doing them perfectly. My body is already asking me for some rest but I better get this right tonight because tomorrow we will be getting supervised.

After some time I have managed to execute every step correctly so it is time to make sure I have memorized the whole choreography. I close my eyes and begin dancing in slow speed of course because if I do it like how I'd do it normally I might fall.... but just when I was about to finish I swear I felt something brushing my back.

I turned to look and I saw in the mirror a figure of someone with a black jacket over their head. I'm not easily scared but the fact that I was very concentrated made me fall to the ground while a loud scream escaped my lips. I hope no one from the other rooms heard it. Then the figure took off the jacket and it was non other than Jake.

"Oh my goodness Jake! I think my heart just skipped a beat." I say laying down while placing a hand on my chest.

"I'm sorry Joowon-ah, are you okay? I thought you were going to see me coming in the mirrors but I guess you had your eyes closed." Jake apologizes sitting next to me. He knows my habits, I see. "Why are you still here by the way?"

"I wanted to perfect my dance steps so I stayed to practice more... and how about you? It's already almost midnight." I ask him as I start stretching.

"We just finished practicing our set list for the tour and once I was on my way to the elevator I thought of coming to say hi." He explains. Now that I see him closely I can tell he seems exhausted.

"And you didn't thought that maybe my members might be here?"

"I saw them going to the elevator but you were not with them so I immediately knew you were still here." Even though he interrupted me I'm glad he came by.

"I see... Oh, my body hurts and I'm so tired to even get up!" I say out loud as I start to feel my legs and arms getting numb because I really pushed myself.

"Come on, get up. Let's go to the cars together." Jake stands up and once he is on his feet he helps me to get up.

We turned off the lights and just when we were about to exit the room the music started playing. I think because we were too tired to care, we just looked at each other confused then he went to turn the music off. Then we closed the door of the dance practice room and head to the elevator.

At this hour not many people are in the hallways of the building so the atmosphere feels quite unsettling or maybe it's just my imagination.

"You know Nina once told me that she heard weird noises coming from room 7." I push Jake slightly to the side.

"Come on Joowon-ah don't lie!" Jake tells me in a skeptical tone. I know he is easily scared even if he denies it but I was not lying just to tease him. At least not today.

"Really, It's true! She said that one day she finished practice with a group pretty late and when she turned off the lights she saw like a figure going out of the room but she thought it was a member of the group so she call their name and no one answered..." at this point he is walking behind me with his hand on my left shoulder using me as a shield just in case something appears in front of us. "Then she left the room and when she was going to close the door she heard someone running but due to her being really tired she thought that the sound came from the next room, she went to check but the door was locked." I peek over my shoulder to see him after I finished the story. He is shaking a bit and honestly me too.

"Wow! I'm literally getting goosebumps right now. Please don't lie Joowon!" He tells me as he holds on to my jacket pretty tightly.

We are about to enter the elevator when suddenly we hear footsteps quickly approaching us. "Ah kamjagiya! Get in, go!" He screams pushing me to get in immediately. I got scared too but I didn't get the time to scream.

Then when the elevator was about to close Ni-ki sunbaenim and Jungwon jumped in and shouted at us. Now I did scream and fell to the ground with Jake. When they noticed that they had succeeded in scaring Jake they started laughing but right away after seeing me they went silent.

"Oh... Hello. Sorry for scaring you. We just meant to scare Jake hyung." Ni-ki apologizes bowing slightly.

"We only saw his back turning to the left to get in the elevator so we thought he was alone." Jungwon explains while he gives me his hand to help me get up.

"Don't worry..." suddenly I start laughing. Oddly it happens every time I get scared. "I'm sorry... it's just that it... is really funny considering how scared we were already and when you guys screamed we got startled even more." I tell them in between laughs. "Are you okay?" I ask looking at Jake remembering he is still on the ground.

Poor soul, he was terrified but after a couple of seconds he got up and started hitting his members in a playful way. It's cute seeing them act like brothers.

As the elevator started to go down everything went really awkward so Jake told them about Nina's story which encouraged Ni-ki sunbaenim and Jungwon to tell me about some of their ghosts experiences they had when they were trainees.

"Do you really think that kind of stuff is real?" I ask them once they finished telling me about a ghost in a practice room.

"Maybe... at least we can all confirm that what we saw was definitely there. Besides, the fact that it got recorded proves it with no doubt." Ni-ki states. I turn to see Jungwon but his eyes seem to be avoiding mine.

"Personally I haven't experienced anything so directly like that but my members had." I hug myself as I start telling them about something that happened to Haerin and Hyein last week here in the company building.

Just a few hours ago I wouldn't have imagined myself here talking about paranormal activity with some of the members of Enhypen. It was interesting and I definitely had fun even though I really got scared. Once we reached the parking lot floor, I bowed to them and said goodbye.

"Sorry again for scaring you." Ni-ki sunbaenim apologizes one last time before I start to walk away.

"Don't worry. It was fun...I guess. Lucky me I wasn't alone." I say looking at Jake to let him know that it was not a big deal.

"Cool... Goodbye." Ni-ki bows and then they all turn to leave so I do the same.

I wanted to look back to see Jungwon at least just for a minute. I tried my best to not stare at him a lot while we were in the elevator but I'm not exactly the best when it comes to be low key with my glances. In the end I decided to not look back and just get in the car. 

I know we met properly a few months ago, but I already enjoy every time I'm with him, whether we talk or just read our script together, I feel happy. Now I look forward to going to the company building more than before because I know I will see him.

I can't believe the other day at Weverse Con I gave him a paper telling him to meet me after the show. That's what I do when I start to like someone, I tend to be impulsive but I won't do something like that ever again because I could have got him in trouble so I'll be more careful.

Even though I think there might be a chance with him, I don't want to create ideas in my head because it's probably a one-sided feeling and considering other important things, I feel that it wouldn't be wise to develop feelings for him. However, a big part of me still wants to firmly believe that he may feel the same way.

A/N: I saw somewhere that two members of NJ mentioned that they've felt something creepy at the building so I thought of using it as an idea for a chapter. Besides I love when Jake says kamyagiya :)

Have a WONderful day, everyone!

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