✧˖° 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 ✧˖°

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I'll be waiting for you. It started all of a sudden. It has been a month now.

I'll be done in five minutes, please wait a little. Your messages would just pop up in my phone and a smile will find its place on my face.

I just got the script for this week's show, meet me in meeting room 9 to read it together. The script rehearsals became conversation sessions about ourselves in order to get to know each other a bit more.

My promotions have already began so I'm starting to be busier as days go by and so are you with your tour preparations. However, we try to find time to talk whenever we can. Before or after recording for Music bank and also in between group activities at the company building.

Have you eaten yet? If the answer was no I would get you a snack. I know how hard you are practicing for the tour that sometimes you forget to eat. Sometimes it's just an apple and other times we order takeout to have dinner together.

The lives room is fine. We call it like that because that is the place in which we usually go live because it's private. Sometimes we go there when there is no other safe place to meet. It's not that we are doing it anything wrong, but we still have to be careful not to get caught. Our unspoken agreement says to do so.

I'm in the hallway outside of your practice room. My hands wouldn't stop moving because of the great expectation to see you, so I would just hide them inside the pockets of my pants.

This became my favorite part of the day. Sharing our thoughts, our worries but never our true feelings. Deep down I don't want to mess up what we have. "I like you Jungwon, I think of you most of the time." A confession that is always on my mind. Easy to think but complicated to say.

"How was the time you spent with your family when they came to see you?" You asked me once we've finished reviewing the script for the Music show.

"It was good, luckily we were given a few days off after the fan meeting, so I was able to be with them most of the time they were here." I leaned back in my chair while I put my hair up in two buns.

"I'm glad, you must miss them a lot."

"Yes I do. Specially when something good happens I really want to hug them to celebrate but... I think it was during my trainee days when I missed them the most, honestly." I finished tying my hair up and if my eyesight wasn't lying to me, I'd say you were looking at me the entire time I was combing my hair.

"It was hard, right?" You gave me a sympathetic look. I just nodded with a dejected smile.

The training days are something that every K-pop idol find hard to talk about even after a long time after having debuted and of course I am not the exception.

"You grew up in Australia, right? Can I asked how your parents met?" You suddenly change the question knowing that I'm still not fully ready to talk about it and I thanked you silently for understanding.

You seemed to be really interested in me because even though I told you everything about my parents, you still wanted to know more. But who am I to point that out when I was the one who even asked about Maeum's favorite place for walks just to hear your voice more time.

⋅ ── ⋆⋅୨୧⋅⋆ ── ⋅

"How are rehearsals going?" I asked you as I opened the food we ordered a while ago. We were in the lives room finally having dinner after a long day full of activities we had to complete.

"Exhaustive, we have been ending practice pretty late at night and the choreographies are really fast which requires a lot of energy from us." You told me while you open the chopsticks for us.

"I see... know that I'm always rooting for you Jungwon, fighting!" I said trying my best to seemed encouraging, I know it's not much but I hope you know I truly meant it. Then I gave you your food plate. You took it and thanked me grinning at me. "...you are leaving tomorrow right?"

"Yes, we will be attending a K-pop show in Spain!" Suddenly your eyes lit up as you said that. I could tell that you love your fans very much and just thinking about seeing them gets you in a good mood instantly.

For the next minutes we didn't talk, we just enjoyed our food. I ordered us two plates of ramen and some kimchi to share. As for me I haven't eaten in the entire day since breakfast and I assumed you too.

"I'm afraid our busy months have finally started. I guess we won't be seeing each other anymore. Well, at least not as much as now..." I commented while you cleaned up your lips after finishing the whole ramen plate.

"You're right but hey I'm always a text or a call away." You nudged me as you waved your phone in the air, earning a smile from me.

⋅ ── ⋆⋅୨୧⋅⋆ ── ⋅

My phone buzzes telling me a text from you has been delivered. I'm here. Two words that makes me really happy by just reading them.

"We are done by now, right?" I inquire hopeful looking at the dance coach.

"Yes, you all may go now." She dismisses me and my members. I was just waiting for her to say it so I can immediately leave the room.

I go out and start walking. As I'm doing so I feel my heart beat rising and my face is beaming. Every time the same feeling: eagerness to see you. I'm finally turning right and... there you are. I can see you waiting down the hall for me.


"Hi... shall we?" You give me your hand and then you look to where the elevator is. Just for a second I hesitate to take it, but the fact that I really want to hold it makes me want to do it tightly, so I do.

This is the first time we hold hands. I think this is when I knew that there was a big chance that just maybe you feel the same way. All this time I thought: "Well, we are friends now, right? I mean, we talked about personal stuff but... is it enough? Do I just want this? Us to be just friends?" No, I definitely don't feel like that about you. I have understood that now.

Either way, I want you to know that I for sure cherish every moment that we are together. The dinners, the script reviews, the recording days for Music bank, the late night talks through texts we share before sleeping... Every time I hope it never ends.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I thought it would be interesting to make a change so I came up with the idea of writing it in second person.

These types of chapters will be special chapters and they are in chronological order meaning that although they do not have the chapter number, they follow the continuity of the story.

Have a WONderful day, everyone!

My MC partner | Jungwon |Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum