𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟗: 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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To commemorate our MC anniversary, a special type of vlog was released in the KBS YouTube channel. It showed important moments along our journey, from the very first moment we met officially as MC partners to how we got ready for the KBS Entertainment Awards, as well as some tiny interviews about how much we know each other or about our opinions on how is it like to work together.

Once the video was out everyone started to praise our partner dynamic once again, pointing out how much from the very beginning we have helped each other just like good co-workers should. They even made sure to comment on some of the funniest and most memorable moments that Jungwon and I have shared, which made me very happy.

Honestly, it's very surprising how sometimes it just takes one trivial thing like a video to change a whole person's mindset on something. A few months ago we weren't exactly the netizens' favorites, but now it's like all that awful negativity has faded away. I really wish that everything could continue like this forever, but you never know what could happen and if that could affect in a negative way, it is also more than obvious that there is no way to control what others may think, so I have had to understand and accept throughout these years that even if it is just one person on your side, then it is more than enough to overcome any difficulty.

For the past weeks I have missed him like crazy. I feel a bit down because he has been away for too long by now (maybe I'm just overreacting but for me it truly feels like such a long time) however I am also very happy for him since I am aware of the immense love and appreciation he feels for his fans and how much he enjoys performing.

These days are restless and work days are endless but replaying his laughter somehow makes time move faster. "You mean a lot to me Jungwon so apart from missing you, I'll be cheering for you as well!" I told him the last day we meet up before he had to leave. He just pulled me into a tight embrace and whispered: "Thank you Joowon-ah. I promise to call you whenever I can or if you are busy I'll leave you voicemails." And he has been doing it. Almost every day.

We have been talking on the phone or having video calls and when I can't answer him at the moment, he leaves voicemails. The main topic of them is always about his day, which never fails to be very entertaining to me. I listen to every single one of them and sometimes I even replay them on my way to work in the mornings and also when I'm going back to the dorm.

"You look so cuddly like that..." Jungwon told me in a sleepy voice one night we were having a video call before going to bed.

"Do I?" I say smoothing down my wool sweater with my hands. "I bought it because I'm into oversized clothing lately."

"I wish I could be there to hug you." He slowly added while rubbing his tired eyes.

"Jungwon I think it's time to go to sleep now. Look at you. You are at the verge of dozing off." I chuckled finding him cute.

"You are right... I should sleep now." He agreed in between a yawn. "I'll call you later, bye."

He is the cutest when he is sleepy so just as he wanted to hug me I wanted to be his pillow and caress his head as he lets himself fall in a sweet dream. I miss him very much so obviously I have been counting the days for his return.

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This morning Jiwoo and I had our graduation ceremony at Hanlim. I still remember when Minji unnie graduated a year ago, so now it is a bit hard to believe that I'm doing the same. While I was on my way to school the thought that it was going to be my last day attending the school I've attended for three years made me experienced a bittersweet feeling. I was smiling to finally be graduating but I was also feeling nostalgic.

My MC partner | Jungwon |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ