Chapter 26 - Wren (Part 2)

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*******This chapter contains subject matter that may be upsetting to some readers*******


Even after the vampire left, Wren kept checking over his shoulder to see if he was following, lingering, or waiting for a chance to shove him into a corner and shackle him. It didn't make sense that his captor would come all the way here to take him back and then leave him so easily. If shackles had been his aim, he could have easily slipped them on Wren when his tongue was tied in a passionate kiss that had Wren's ears reddening. It had felt right to have that monster all over him, to touch him back, to enjoy the heat of the man as he hoisted him against the wall and spread his legs lewdly.

But when Wren had asked him to stop, he'd stopped.

When he hadn't wanted to go with him, the man had let him go.

Was this some kind of game to him?

Wren bathed to wash the sweat and sand off, but he kept it brief because the hot water felt like Talamayas' fingers running down his body. Wren couldn't get dry fast enough. No one was going to see him and he was done training, so he donned some loose pants that opened at the bottom for comfort. It wasn't fun to have sand crawl up his legs without the tighter ones, but he had no intention of tussling in that tonight. Slipping into a collared shirt with buttons was a nice change for his normal mage attire and he found some black shoes where Riff had left them for him. One benefit of living so long without continually growing larger was that his shoe size hadn't changed in fifty years, so they fit snugly.

Wren headed out into the hallway, and nearly swallowed his tongue as a heavy hand slapped his shoulder. With his pent up fear and an embarrassing amount of sexual frustration, he had expected Talamayas to be there and shove him up against a wall. Riff's gruff laugh had him sagging into himself as his general slung an arm around his shoulder, and Riff led him down the hallways and out the complex door. Lights strung the walkways as the sun set, and Wren bumped into every fifth person as they walked into a bustling part of town.

The chatter of people calmed him, and he sighed as Riff waited for him to orient himself and face him. The evening wind was cooler than expected for the desert, and wonderful smells filled his nostrils and yanked on his stomach to come closer. After such a vigorous work out, he was going to eat like a wolf tearing apart a carcass. The growl of his stomach drove a laugh out of Riff, choosing to sound only when they'd entered a building from outside. The man wouldn't have heard it if his stomach had chosen a noisier time, but that was his luck.

Wren was so hungry that he didn't even notice what type of establishment they were in until he's eaten half a plate of sandwiches and chips. A mug of alcohol next to him filled and refilled as he drank to calm his nerves, though the percentage was low enough that he didn't get drunk. Riff knew that Wren didn't like anything hard, but the man was pounding it next to him. The first girl plopped next to Riff with a sparkle in her eyes, and Riff did not say no when she flashed her breasts and slid one of his hands in her shirt.

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