Chapter 2: The new guys in school

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(Dioddefwr dau)

Today in cmraeg some strange guys came into our class and decided to sit two either side of me.

The entire time as I completed my worksheet and homework essay these guys just stared at me. They were complete creeps tbh so the entire day after that I hid in the crowd of friends I had. They kept trying to come up to me and trying to grab my hand so I stood far away from them at all costs and camping out within the girls bathroom.

After the end of the day I grabbed the train to caerdydd and biked back to the apartment. Luckily I had biked there in the morning so my bike was just chained up by the train station to help me home.

I decided to stop for a box of donuts as I finished first in a test earlier today. I moved out from my house early at sixteen so I didn't have to share with anyone, plus it was my birthday in a matter of days meaning I'd have leftovers for my solo birthday adventure seeing as the parental units didn't care enough to come for my birthday, that's why I left them, I don't regret it tho, I'm finally happy, well as happy as you can be living on you own with shitty neighbours.

After my detour I got back in my bike, donut box in hand. I flew past the streets until I got to my apartment in the cwrt sant mihangel complex. I was on the second story so I chained my bike outside and walked up the winding steps till I reached my door. It was the one with fresh paint and flowers painted on its wood. Unlike my neighbours, I wanted to keep my apartment nice.

I had planned out a stream with my friend and we were going to play geoguesser but only in each others country to see who knew who better.

When I got home however. There were some creeps waiting for me, but it felt as if they were missing one.

But then everything went black

And that's how I ended up here

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