Chapter 8: where did all the children go

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I woke up from my weird dream and checked the time only to realise I was late for school. I made breakfast for my parents, took the garbage out before heading to school.

I missed some of first period but I pretended that our house door got stuck causing me to be late. They believed it somehow.

I still couldn't see Tubs anywhere so I sat with Tommy instead.

"Hello extra big man, how are ya?"

Tommy and I began to chat as we went through the class work. It was more difficult than usual so we had to combine our 2 1/2 brain cells to do it. We still only got 63%.

At lunch I forgot to eat once again but that was because I was hiding from bullies. I hid behind one of the bookshelf's the entirety of lunch. That's fine.

As I went to class though I got shoved into the bathroom by some bullies. They beat me up and left me bleeding on the floor.

The blood seeped out onto the wet floors making them murky and staining the cheap porcelain tiles. I was left there for who knows how long. I was paralysed in pain. My legs to bruised to move. My head spinning to quickly to stand.

I was eventually found by a janitor who helped me to my feat and found me a stick to use as a support. After that I hobbled my way home getting there close to midnight. Of course my parents hadn't noticed, they were too drunk and high to notice anything.

I took a glance to the tv. More disappearances. This time a whole family of children. Three, two older twin brothers and a younger one. The father was being interviewed and he reminded me of Phil. Tommy, Wilbur and technos dad. He volunteers at the school sometimes. I hope that man's kids are ok.

I put my stuff away, bandaged up, and stumbled into my bed instantly falling to deep sleep only to awake in the forest again. Everything the same but now three more trees and three more posters with them. I stared at the ink blots and noticed one was faded enough to see a rough portrait. The fourth tree.

There was a girl about my age with black hair and lots of piercings. She gave off don't mess with me vines whilst still seeming caring and compassionate.

The info had also become more visible stating she was 5,4 and was last seen in münich Germany. There was a name.

Niki Niachu

I wanted to look around more but then the train came and knocked me back to real life.

The next day at school purpled and his older brother puns were gone, they stayed home for fear of being taken. So did most of the school. Everywhere I turned there was empty halls. These halls would always be rammed tight crushing you if you didn't know how to navigate them. Now the occasional student drifted by in a somber state. Silence filled the air with tension.

Where did all the children go

Where did they go

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