Chapter 3: The new creeps in town

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I entered my run down escuela secundaria, it was so broken down and poor quality that you could barely call it that. People sold drugs to the literal profesoras and profesores in the crowded hallways, it was just shady in general.

So when four shady guys showed up I thought nothing of it. That was until they shoved me in a random locker and closed it with a padlock. The lockers are pretty cheap so I immediately started bending the metal with my punches. The only problem being, I couldn't make a large enough hole to exit.

I was seen as one of the least popular people in the entire school, so seeing me locked up people took the opportunity and made use of it. They poured water and rotten food through the holes in the locker. Those who were drunk or high used it as a spot to throw up in and those who stole each other stuff and was on the verge of a beating hid it within my prison. I was only let out after the final bell when everyone left, even the profesores left me behind, eager to leave the hell .

As soon as I was let out the scruff of my neck was harshly grabbed and the creeps from earlier surrounded me. They beat me till I was covered in bloodied cuts and bruises before stuffing pills in my mouth and everything going hazy n blurred
When I awoke though, something was different, this wasn't a place I knew.

And that's how I ended up here

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