Chapter 4: the creeps in my gymnasium schule

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I hopped on the bus before starting the journey to Schule. As I'm considered smarter than most I was offered a spot at meine local gymnasium schule which was awesome I guess. The people here are stuck up pricks though. On the bus I sit at the back alone. I had the most power in meine schule, I was the leader. At the last stop though, four guys decided to hop on the bus and sit around me. Obviously they didn't understand the system. I was seen as a nice kid, always helping and being a model student. I however, tend to have a bad streak, if you want to be liked, you don't mess with me. The kinds around the bud whispered and snickered at the guys fate.

"I sit on my own, if you want respect at this school, I reccomend you find another seat"

Surprisingly they didn't put up any sort of fight.

The rest of the day went well. In deutsch I managed to get a 1 on my test which was amazing because it meant I had 97% or more. In lunch I helped at the library and managed to teach some new kids where to find different bücher.

That all changed at last break though. As I walked out the girls bathroom I was grabbed by the arms and neck before being dragged out a back exit point. From there I was stuffed in a van and driven away. I was gonna miss the last to periods and get in so much trouble.

But anyways

That's how I ended up here

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