3. Samanun to the rescue?

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Mon half walk and half runs towards the cafe where Yuki was waiting for her. She just finished all of her classes for the day , her week was pretty uneventful except for the days she had English Lit class. She'll meet her there at first then they both will be headed to Yuki's now favourite 'Phi Phi Club'. Yes! Phi Phi Club; where Yuki has been nagging Mon to accompany her at least once, for months now.

After Yuki's break up she has been really social. Interacting with new people, new places, new clubs and things like that. She's not regular to any of the other places except for this one. It's a club is basically for Students from Thailand or Thai origin , where they gather together and communicate with eachother but its open for anybody who wanna be there or interested in Thai culture. Mon herself is half Thai, half British. But with everything that's been going on with her family life, she didn't find that energy to be present in any club. Plus she has this urge to do best in her academic studies without any distractions!

But now she could not say no to Yuki anymore because during the apartment hunting, when they almost gave up on the hope of finding a suitable place to live; the Phi Phi club came forward and actually help them find a good, 'affordable' place for the two of them. Mon didn't get to meet anybody expect for P'Tee. She was there when they visited the apartment; well, apparently she lives in that same building too. So Mon promised Yuki she'll eventually go with her. Anyway Mon was pleased with their apartment and very thankful, so as a gratitude she baked some cookies which Yuki was carrying with her..

Mon checks the time on her phone while basically jogging towards the fairly empty cross road. She was so in her head that she didn't notice the fast vehicle heading towards her. She jumps a little when someone takes her hand and pulls her backwards . Mon looses her balance and falls in that person's arms. Then and only then she notices how fast the car passed them; honking loudly. Her heart rate was outta control. She was scared to death that she can't even look upward.

After a while Mon hears a familiar voice, "Being on your phone while running on the streets is not exactly a safety precaution for roads!"

Mon looks up; the same pair of brown eyes is looking down at her's. Mon takes a step back and composes herself. She was too stunned to speak.

Sam continued with softer tone, "It's quite the opposite you know?"

"Yeah I know. And I wasn't on my phone, I was just looking at it." She doesn't know why she feels the urge to defend herself.

"Potato , Pothato. Same thing" Sam shruggers.

"Not in this case!" Mon says firmly.

Sam chuckles, "Do you have Death wish or something; because Ma'am, I tell ya that was not a very good way to give away your life?" She pauses. "I mean you're going to get away but the person who's driving the car is going to be in serious trouble you know? Even though they were honking at you this whole time still they had to face consequences."

"You're oddly very much concern about the driver now I see. Not really caring about my wellbeing." Mon complains without knowing where that coming from.

Sam put her hands in her pocket and leaned towards her a bit "I literally saved you from getting hit by a car, How worst your condition could be?"

"Oh please, Saved me!! What are you really? A Superman or something? Always to the rescue!" Mon asks sarcastically.

"I'm not a Superman! " Sam replies abruptly. "I'm your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" She raise her hands and does the trademark Spider-Man hand gesture, like she's shooting web . "Sorry I'm not wearing my web shooter" she grins

Mon rolls her eyes on that; but she cannot help but smile at that a little.

Watching her smile Sam says, "Sometimes this Spider-Man makes people smile too!"

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