8. Mon 🥺✨

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Mon was not having a good time. Her mother's nagging has been bugging Mon seriously now. The more she wants to avoid the topic of her Mum getting married , the more her mother seems to bring it up time to time again. So much that Mon has started to pick up her mom's call way less than before.

It's always start with "Hey sweetie , how are you doing?" , "You seem to forget about your mom!" And eventually ends with "Mom, please not now! I'm in a hurry, I'll talk to you later, Bye!" Whenever her mom tries to slip the topic into the conversation Mon ends the call almost immediately.

Her mother has always been observent and attentive of her so she eventually picked up with Mon's cold behaviour and why her daughter is talking less these days with her. What Mon doesn't understand why her mother still wants to talk about that matter despite of understanding her unease..

Her Family, her parents was the most important part of Mon's life. She , her dad and her mom were like a team. A team that used to stick together and move around from places to places.. Even though as a kid it was very hard for Mon but she never really complained beacuse she had her team with her, her lovely parents!

Mon has always been a good kid. They used to laugh, play, have fun, sing songs, visit places all together. No place , no friends were stable in her life except for her parents , her dear mum and dad. Imagine what happens to someone when their only constant things in life gets torn!

Honestly Mon wasn't so naïve, she felt the shift between her parents. At first it was subtle but then it wasn't anymore. Her parents weren't the same as they used to be. There wasn't the same laughter at the dinner table, no visiting places together, no fun activities nothing. Instead of there was awkward silence , whisper arguments , separated bedrooms.

They started to get more and more busy in their own individual life. Yes, They never neglected Mon and still cared about her but distinctly, not together. They weren't the team anymore, Mon knew that, she knew everything. Still she was holding onto the hope that maybe, maybe someday everything will be alright. They'll be able to reconcile. Everything will be fine .

But her expectations came crushing down when her parents finally told her that they could not be together anymore, that were taking a divorce. Mon had nothing to do or say. She knew it was long overdue and she had to deal with that no matter how hard it was for her.

Sometimes Mon gets annoyed with herself too, that she already knew something like this could happen then why it still hurts her like the way it does? Why she hoped of everything being okay instead of taking preparation! She had no answer..

After their divorce, she had to move once again but only with her mother this time in the States, leaving behind everything that familiar and known to her, again!

Still It was all fine for Mon , she thought she was coping with everything pretty well but when her mother starts seeing Aaron, her colleague from work about half an year later after they moved, she somehow couldn't take it. She met Aaron few times and he genuinely seems like a very decent man , still It was very hard for her to accept it that the man her mom seeing isn't her loving father anymore. It's hard for any child. Especially if one idealize their parents together more than anyone.

So Mon decided to run, run away from that hard feeling. She just grabbed the first opportunity that came on her way and took the scholarship in the University that was 5 hours away from where her mother currently settled in.

It was enough for Mon from get away from everything but you know what? Sometimes modern Technology can be a curse too!

She had a stressful conversation with her mother this morning and she's been on edge ever since.

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