23. Blissful Distractions ✨

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Mon opens her eyes, taking in her surroundings. Soft light of the new day is peeking in the room, she could tell it's still dawn..

Mon knows where she is, in her favorite person's room, with her bunny. It's been more than two weeks and they are hardly apart from one another. They even slept together almost every day. No they didn't did the deed yet, as they talked about taking things slow. They agreed to take time for themselves, not rushing anything.. Enjoying each other's company in a non sexual way, being with one another, cherishing each other.

It's Sunday morning , they're going to spend the whole weekend together. Mon finds them on Sam's side of the bed once again. There is so much vacant space left on the bed. A firm hand resting on her hips, her girlfriend's hand! Keeping Mon close in a loose embrace. Mon smiles at the word , 'Girlfriend'. She turns over, to face her person.

Her close eyes and even breathing implies she's still in deep slumber. Mon watches her sleep, some may find it creepy but she doesn't. Her love looks so innocent while sleeping and not to mention so, so beautiful. Mon always knew Sam is beautiful, she's just feeling it more these days. Her baby, her Khun Sam. Just Hers!

Mon could watch her sleep all day long if she did not feel the need to use the washroom.. so Mon slowly removes the hand from her hips being extra careful not to wake her baby, gets out of the bed and tiptoes her way to the washroom.

She completes all her necessary tasks , brushing her teeth and washing her face. She knows that once she wakes up in the morning , she cannot go back to sleep.

After completing everything, she gets out of the washroom. She watches the time on clock, 6:46; still very early , so she decides to go back to bed, to snuggle some more with her girlfriend.

Mon lay beside her, Sam was still asleep. Mon lets her sleep for another 10 minutes before deciding that she's lonely. So it's a good time to wake her baby up. She scooches over, closer to her and starts to leave trails of kisses on her face.

After a while Mon feels Sam taking a deep and long breath indicating that she's waking up. Finally! Mon keeps continuing her job. She then watches Sam's face break into a smile, her beautiful gummy smile. Without opening her eyes she says,

"Umm.. what a great way to wake up in the morning!" She says in her sleepy voice . God! Her morning voice is so sexy!

Mon kisses her nose. Sam opens her eyes and looks at Mon. After a beat,

"Am I dead and in heaven? Because I'm sure I'm looking at an angel!" She says and Mon beams at her words.

She leaves another kiss on Sam's cheek. "You're always this romantic in the morning?"

"Ummm.. Yes, only for one girl though!"

"Yeah, who that girl could be?!" Mon pretends to think.

Sam smiles, bringing her hand under her head, "My stunning girlfriend! Only she can make me like this even in the morning! Normally I'm very grumpy over the fact that I have to wake up!" Mon smiles, she knows her baby isn't a morning person..

She moves forward to kiss Sam on her mouth but she quickly moves away ..

"Khun Sam!" Mon whines,

"Enhh! Morning breath baby!... I see You brushed already. Let me use the washroom real quick!" She then hurriedly gets out of the bed, "I'll be right back and don't you dare get out of the bed!" And with that she runs to the washroom.

After few minutes she comes back and jumps onto the bed, she take Mon into her arm by her waist and brings her face closer to Mon's,


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